Synonyms YV
Bloesche Josef Oskar
Boehm Johannes
Brandt Karl Georg
Claasen Kurt
Confiscation of Jewish Property – Poland
Forced Labor
Gestapo - Secret State Police
Judenrat (jewish Council)
Schmid Anton (1900 - 1942 )
Attempted Escape
Attitude Towards Jews - Lithuania and the Lithuanian Population
Attitude Towards the Jews - Wehrmacht and Wehrmacht Soldiers
Escape From an Aktion
Escape From the Ghettos
Holocaust Commemoration
Holocaust Research
Jewish Writers and Poets - Germany
Klibanski, Bronia
Lutz Carl (1895 - 1975 )
Catholic Church in Germany
Farewell Letters
Field Courts
Assistance and Rescue
Assistance to Jews
Attitude of the Population
Attitude Towards the Jews - Poland and the Polish Population
Bielski, Tuvia
Jewish Collaborators
Partisans - Jews
Righteous Among the Nations
Kasztner Rezso Rudolf Israel
Kovner, Abba
Langlet Valdemar
Rescue Events