Documentation from the Betreuungsstelle für politisch, rassisch und religiös Verfolgte (Support Office for politically, religiously and racially persecuted people) in Friedberg in Hessen, Germany
The office was established in July 1945 by former political prisoners, most of them members of the Communist Party. The office was intended to serve as a self-help organization dealing in all areas of life. As of April 1946, the office became subordinate to the local government of the region (the department for rehabilitation, the social services branch). An Order given by the Minister für politische Befreiung...
Type of Material : Record of Survivors, Legal Documentation, Personal Documents, List of Persecuted Persons, List of Lawyers, Official Documentation, Record of Persecuted Persons
Documentation from government offices of the Saar region, 1924-1948
Documentation from the following bodies:
- Ministerium der Finanzen: one file, with names and details of taxpayers who underwent inspection, including Jews (1934-1946);
- Ministerium für Arbeit, Sozialordnung und Gesundheitswesen: seven files regarding pharmacists, most of them related to proving the Aryan origin of pharmacists, and one file concerning orders regarding granting permission to Jews to practice pharmacy;
- Justizministerium: four cases regarding revocation of citizenship, including cases of Jews among others; the insurance...
Type of Material : Orders, Record of Persecuted Persons, Official Documentation
Language : German
Synonyms YV
Gesetz Zur Wiederherstellung Des Berufsbeamtentums*