Memoirs of Werner Sauer regarding his experiences in the Riga Ghetto, Goddentow camp, Stutthof, Burggraben camp and more
Deportation to the Riga Ghetto, February 1941; ghetto life; labor in workshops; activity of various SS commanders; activity of Jewish inmates including that of cruel Kapos; murder of many Jews; transfer to Danzig by ship, November 1943; transfer to Stutthof; camp life with well-known inmates from various countries; transfer to Burggraben camp; camp life; transfer on foot to Goddentow, February 1943; unsuccessful escape attempt; capture and transfer to a prison; life in prison using a false...
Memoirs of Gerda Gottschalk, child of a mixed marriage, regarding her experiences in Leipzig, camps in the Riga area, Stutthof, in hiding in Danzig and more
Life in Leipzig before the war, from January 1933.
Deportation to camps in the Riga area; description of the Riga Ghetto; commanders of Uscha camp, Saver camp, Doehring camp, Krause camp and Hoffmann camp; deportation to Stutthof, August 1944; escape from the camp to Danzig by train with the help of the Pfurtner family; life in Danzig in hiding; work as a nurse and caring for the injured; escape to Copenhagen on the ship, "General San Martin"; life in...
Testimony of Bernhard Stein, born in Hannover, Germany, 1901, regarding his experiences in Hannover, the Riga Ghetto, Salaspils and Kaiserwald camps, and in other places
Life in Hannover.
Deportation to Riga with the Jews, 15 December 1941; Riga Ghetto life; "Aktions"; Salaspils camp life; labor loading trees; transfer back to the Riga Ghetto; labor in the SD-Autowerkstelle factory; activities of war criminals Krebsbach and Lange Michelson; rescue from deportations due to his being an expert mechanic; transfer to Kaiserwald camp; approach of the Red Army; deportation to Stutthof camp; transfer to various...