Collection of biographies of prominent people who were inmates in the Theresienstadt Ghetto, written by the Juedischen Selbstverwaltung (Jewish self-government), 01 January 1944
Testimony of Dr. Berthold Simonsohn, born in Bernburg, Germany, 1912, regarding his professional experience in the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland (RVJ-Reich Association of the Jews in Germany) and his detention in Sachsenhausen, Theresienstadt, Auschwitz and Dachau
- Law studies, 1930-1934; first bar exam, 1934; no further studies permitted;
- Life in Stettin, July 1938-November 1938; work at the provincial Stettin RVJ administrative branch supervised by the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Reich Security Main Office) as the head of the social welfare department, managed at the time by Anne Hertz;...
File Number : 200
Type of Material : Official Documentation, Testimony