A letter written by Avraham Karel to S.Z. Shragai on August 26, 1959 on the activities of Rabbi Shmuel Shlomo Liener of Radzyn who resisted the German occupation until he was murdered by the Germans
Description of the activities of the rabbi of Radzyn, who went from place to place in occupied Poland calling for resistance to the Nazi oppressor and the Judenrat policies; He continued to do so even after he lost his family, until he was murdered by the Germans in 1942.
Also in the file: telegrams with a request for an urgent transfer of funds from abroad to save the rabbi of Radzyn.
Documentation regarding Orthodox Jewry in Germany, especially the organizations associated with the separatist Orthodoxy, 1930-1941
Volume I:
Correspondence of Rabbi Yehiel Michel Schlesinger with the members of the Halachische Kommission (the Halacha [Religious Law] Commission attached to the Vereinigung traditionell gesetztreuer Rabbiner [Association of Halachic Law Observant Rabbis]);
In the volume (the page numbers refer to the frame numbers in the Scan):
Pp. 2-3: Letter dealing with administrational matters written on stationery from the Rabbinical Seminary in Berlin, 29 Tammuz 5682 [??] (25...