Articles regarding the Finaly Children Affair published in various periodicals, 1953
- "Esprit", April, July and August, 1953;
- "La Revue de Paris", November 1953;
- "Evidences", January-February, May-June, 1953;
- "Chronique Sociale", September-October, 1953;
- "Commentary", June 1953.
Collection of press clippings from the last phase of the Finaly Children Affair, 1953-1954
Four folders:
1. February 1953;
2. March-April 1953;
3. May-June 1953;
4. July 1953-August 1954.
Personal documentation belonging to Moshe Keller, 1929-1955
- Chemical Engineering diploma from Caen University, 18 June 1929;
- Letter to his wife Gusta containing his will, 27 October 1953;
- Letter and school-report, belonging to his son Mark, 1953-1954;
- Letters regarding his Zionist activities.
"L'Affaire Finaly, Premiere Approche", a paper regarding the Finaly Affair presented by Christian Portefaix at the Church History seminar at Grenoble University, 1977
"L'Affaire Finaly Telle Que Je L'ai Vecue", book by Moshe Keller
"L'Affaire Finaly Telle Que Je L'ai Vecue", Moise Keller, Fischbacher, Paris, 1960
Note: Loose translation of the title of the book to Hebrew "The Finaly Affair as I Experienced it".
Correspondence of M. Keller with people and book publishers regarding the publication of his book on the Finaly Children Affair and "Bonjour Monsieur Keller", a diary of the Finaly Affair by Rabi, the writer, regarding the role of Moshe Keller in the struggle to free the children from the Church, 16 November 1952-15 November 1953