Testimony of Liba Diefenbrun, born in Tarnow, Poland, 1920, regarding her experiences in the Tarnow Ghetto, in Plaszow camp, Auschwitz, Stutthof camp and Kokoszki
Life before the war; work as a seamstress;
[German] occupation; death of her parents, sister and her fiance in the first deportation; death of her brother and his son in the second deportation; labor sewing uniforms; liquidation of the Tarnow Ghetto, 01 September 1942; deportation to Plaszow; murder of the children and the mothers, after an attempt to smuggle the children as packages inside backpacks; bodily search upon arrival to Plaszow camp;...
Testimony of Leib Salpeter, regarding his experiences in the Krakow Ghetto and in Plaszow camp
List of names of the members of the temporary council of the Jewish community of Krakow, established on the initiative of the deputy mayor of Krakow at the start of the German occupation, September 1939; Krakow Ghetto life, including forced labor filling anti-aircraft trenches; activities in the social welfare department, in particular with the mass arrival of refugees to Krakow from throughout the Generalgouvernement; various departments dealt with sanitation, clothing, housing, care of orphans and children,...