Documentation of Samuel Efraim Bartfeld, 1939-1940
- Notarized personal Power of Attorney form signed by S. E. Bartfeld without a name, representing absolute renunciation of his assets including the possibility of bequeathing them to his legal heirs;
- Postcard sent from Buchenwald by Samuel Efraim Bartfeld to his wife, Jadzia Bartfeld, in which he confirms receipt of mail through Gildemeester, 21 January 1940.
Plan for rescuing youth and children, establishment of the Central Office for Emigration of the Jews of Austria, the "Gildemeester Aktion (program to force the Austrian Jews to emigrate)", protocol and correspondence of Dr. Friedrich Neumann
- Protocol of a discussion with the participation of Fritz Kraus, representative of the Reich Statthalterei
(Office of the Reich Governor of Vienna), Dr. Erich Rajakovic, from Dr. Gallop's office, and Dr. Alfred Neumann, spokesman for the Jewish side, regarding the "Uebersiedlung Juedische Jugendliche und Kinder ins Ausland (Emigration of Youth and Children Abroad)...
File Number : 71
Type of Material : Letter, Survey Report, Official Documentation, Survey
Documentation from the Gildemeester (the coordinating body between the Zentralstelle fuer juedische Auswanderung [Central Office for Jewish Emigration] and the Reichsstattshalterei (Office of the Reich Governor) regarding the funding of expenses involved in the emigration of Michlinge (part Jews) and others
Report regarding the forced emigration of Jews from Burgenland, and a report by the Gildemeester (a Nazi organization set up to aid Jewish emigration by confiscating property from rich Jews in order to assist in the emigration of poor Jews) and Aryanization in Burgenland, 1938