Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, regarding the murder of Jews and the suppression and murder of the local population in the Vitebsk region during 1941-1944
Survey reports and investigation reports of witnesses, regarding the establishment of the Vitebsk Ghetto in 07/1941; murder of Jews from Vitebsk starting in 07/1941; murder of Jews, who were drowned in the Dvina River on 18/07/1941;
Survey reports and investigation reports of witnesses, regarding the murder of Jews of the Lepel Ghetto on 28/02/1942; documentation regarding the suppression and murder of the local population...
File Number : JM/10647
Type of Material : Exhumation Report, Survey Report, Official Documentation, Statistical Report, Investigation Report, List of Nazi War Criminals
Language : Russian
Synonyms YV
ChGK - Chrezvychaynaya Gosudarstvennaya Komissiya Po Ustanovleniyu I Rassledovaniyu Zlodeyaniy Nemetsko-Fashistskikh Zakhvatchikov I Ikh Soobshchnikov