Memoirs on Sharlo Zhak Farhi and Levi Heskia on the problems involved with the Bulgarian aliya, 1948
Memoirs on Sharlo Jack Farhi, born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, in a newspaper article, 1960, and a speech in his memory, 1969; activities of Farhi in Beitar; aliya of Farhi to Eretz Israel; combat of Farhi with Lehi; death of Farhi in an operation at the train station in Haifa, 1946;
Memoirs on Levi Heskia, born in Sofia, Bulgaria, 1881, in a newspaper article written by Shmuel Semo, 1960; Zionist activities of Levy; participation of Levy at the 6th and 13th Zionist Congress; writing of a booklet and history...