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M.82 - Documentation from the State Archives of Saint Petersburg

M.82 - Documentation from the State Archives of Saint Petersburg In the Record Group there is documentation selected from the TSGA SPb (Central State Archive of St. Petersburg) from the years 1918-1955, and from the Central State Archive of Historical and Political Documentation (the former archive of the Communist Party), 1941-1973. The Records Group in Yad Vashem contains 3,136 files. In the Records Group there is documentation from the following collections: The Collection of the Department for Nationalist Minority Matters of the Regional Executive Committee of St. Petersburg, 1918-1923: Reports regarding the activities of Jewish schools, orphanages and children's homes. Additionally, there is documentation regarding activities of the Department [for Nationalist Minority Matters of the Regional Executive Committee of St. Petersburg] and Cultural and Educational Organizations, results of the population census among the Jews, correspondence with the Yevsektsia (Central Office of the Jewish Department of the Soviet Communist Party) regarding appointments to the "Dar Emes" newspaper and questionnaires of the citizens leaving the Russian Federation. The Collection of the [Public] Jewish Committee for Relief to Pogrom Victims in Petrograd: Affidavits regarding the number of people murdered during pogroms conducted between 1917 and1920; correspondence with the American Jewish Joint [Distribution] Committee regarding the granting of money for setting up orphanages, sending food parcels and more. Additionally, there are statistical reports regarding the number of Communists among the minorities including the Jews and lists of Jewish organizations in Leningrad in 1927. The collection of the Representative of the Office of the American Jewish [Joint Distribution] Committee in Petrograd: Correspondence regarding aid to the Jews of the Soviet Union, 1923-1925; The Collection of the National Union for the Advancement of the Kolkhozes and the Sovkhozes among the Jews, LenOZET (Leningrad Region Branch), 1931-1938: Questionnaires of the emigrants, questionnaires of professionally skilled people seeking to move to Yevreyskaya AO (the Jewish Autonomous Oblast), correspondence with the State Museum for Ethnography and the Arts regarding the plan to send a delegation to Yevreyskaya AO. The Collection of the Statistical Administration of the Leningrad region, 1937-1944. The documentation collection of the German occupational authorities in the Leningrad region including directives from the Chief Municipal Officer on various subjects including the transfer of the residents of the villages to forced labor in Germany, reports regarding registration of the citizens and regulations for the registration of marriages and births, lists of refugees, registration of expenses for food for the Soviet POWs, their daily menu, notices issued by the Propaganda Department, a notice issued by the Agricultural Department regarding the liquidation of the kolkhozes, correspondence regarding the Nazi press, reports regarding the sanitation situation in the region. This collection contains permits and reports of the LShPD (Headquarters of the Partisan Movement in Leningrad) regarding the situation in the partisan battalions that were active within the Leningrad region areas, data regarding Nazi crimes within the Leningrad region areas, Soviet placards intended for the local population and the partisans in the occupied areas of the Leningrad region, orders, directives and other documents issued by the local authorities in the occupied Leningrad region and placards and Nazi propaganda booklets published in Russian and in German. In the collection there are also LShPD placards and newspapers directed at the local population and the partisans active in the occupied areas, such as Sovetskiy partizan, Leningradskiy partizan, Yuny mstitel, Gazeta dlya detey, Golos molodezhi and Za Sovetskuyu Rodinu. Additionally, there are issues of the "Partizanskoye slovo" newspaper and placards distributed by various partisan battalions in the Leningrad region. In the collection there are also articles and comments regarding the partisan movement in the Leningrad region published in the "Bolshevik" journals, "Propaganda i agitatsiya", "Zvezda", "Leningrad", "Oktyabr" and "Bloknot agitatora", 1941-1944. The collection also includes the newspapers "Volny pakhar", "Dobrovolets", "Pravda", "Novy put", "Za Rodinu" and "Severnoe slovo", journals and text books for elementary schools distributed by the Germans in the Russian language in the occupied areas, summaries of memoirs and files from the Great Patriotic War (World War II), 1944-1945, reports regarding the religious atmosphere, lists of relatives of the workers who were members of the Leningrad Regional and Municipal Committee and Communist activists who were evacuated from Leningrad, 1941-1942, as well as letters from residents of the Leningrad region in captivity. The collection of the Municipal Committee for Evacuation Affairs Attached to the Municipal Committee of the Workers' Representatives in Leningrad, 1941-1943 including lists of the evacuees, plans for evacuation of the children from Leningrad, applications from residents wishing to be evacuated from Leningrad, lists of factory workers, institutions and organizations evacuated from Leningrad by plane.
item Id
Type of material
Official documentation
Record Group
M.82 - ארכיונים פדרליים ב- Sankt-Peterburg
Date of Creation - earliest
Date of Creation - latest
Name of Submitter
ואדים דובסון
Location of Originals