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Trial by the district courts in Klagenfurt, Vienna, Salzburg and Linz against members of the HSSPF Lublin, volume 69: Correspondence between Landesgericht Klagenfurt and other regional courts regarding the criminal proceeding against Helmut Pohl and Ernst Lerch; testimonies of the accused

Documentation from trials conducted in Landesgericht Klagenfurt (the Klagenfurt District Court), Landesgericht Wien (the Vienna District Court), Landesgericht Salzburg (the Salzburg District Court) and Landesgericht Linz (the Linz District Court) against members of the HSSPF (Höhere SS- und Polizeiführer-Higher SS and Police Leader) Lublin: Documentation of the trial, volume 69: Correspondence between Landesgericht Klagenfurt and other regional courts regarding the criminal proceeding against Helmut Pohl and Ernst Lerch; testimonies of the accused - Yad Vashem file card (p. 1); - Landesgericht Klagenfurt file card (p. 2); - File summary regarding the criminal proceeding against Ernst Lerch and Helmut Pohl (pp. 3-6); - Correspondence, messages and rogatory letters between Landesgericht Klagenfurt and other district courts and ministries, 1972-1973, regarding various members of the HSSPf Lublin (Ernst Lerch, Helmut Pohl and others) (pp. 7-16; 37-52); - Arraignments of the defendants Ernst Lerch, Helmut Pohl and Dr. Harry Sturm at Landesgericht Bamberg and Landesgericht Wiesbaden; rogatory letters regarding the witnesses Gustav Wilhelm Melcher and Max Runhof (pp. 17-36; 52-61; 70-80; 247-259); - Testimony of Max Runhof in Wiesbaden, 23 August 1972: Testimony that he has no knowledge regarding the accusations against Ernst Lerch and that he cannot comment about them; assertion that he has no knowledge regarding a shooting in the forest of Krepiec; testimony concerning the activities of Lerch and his postings during the war; reminder that his memory is clouded due to disease; detailed comments in response to questions 1-7 presented by the court in a rogatory letter in reference to the defendants Lerch, Globocnik and Pohl and to the organization and liquidation of the Lublin Ghetto (pp. 62-68); - Rogatory letter regarding the witness Gustav Wilhelm Melcher and his inability to stand trial (pp. 69-70); - Documents regarding the defendant Amon Leopold Goeth: List of his commanders; his career in the SS; personal documents; CV and administration documents (pp. 88-112); - Rogatory letter regarding the witness Tuerk (pp. 113-114); - Document concerning the trial against members of the former Generalgouvernement (Dr. Siebert, Richard Tuerk and Fritz Reuter) who participated in "Aktion" Reinhard and the resettlement of the Jews from Mielec: Organization and function of the Bevoelkerungswesen und Fuersorge (Population and Welfare) Department, including testimonies and statements of witnesses; the killing of Jews in the Generalgouvernement; the participation of the defendants in "Aktion" Reinhard; involvement of the defendants in the resettlement "Aktion" against the Jews from Mielec; the arrival of Jews from the Reich territory and other countries and deportation of Jews to the extermination camps; deportation of Polish Jews from the Lublin Ghetto to Belzec and Sobibor, including accounts of resettlement "Aktions" against Jews by the SS and police and deportations from Mielec, Krakow and Bilgoraj; statements and testimonies by the defendants Tuerk and Reuter; legal analysis (pp. 115-177); - Rogatory letter regarding Dr. Sturm (pp. 179-180); - Testimony of Georg Michalsen, born in Wendrin/Oberschlesien, 13 September 1906: Service in the SS as a Sturmbannfuehrer; first tour of duty in Lublin, September 1940; transfer to Riga; illnesses; return to Lublin, May 1942; transfer to Trieste, August 1943; capture by the British Army, 08 May 1945; testimony regarding the accused and their functions, and to the relation between Lerch and Globocnik; claim that he had no knowledge regarding the Majdan Tatarski camp, and he never heard of a shooting in the forest of Krepiec; claim that he knows only the names of Dr. Sturm and Worthoff; work for Claasen and "Aktion" Reinhard; claim that he did not participate in the Kommandeurbesprechung (commanders meeting) (pp. 181-185); - Letter from Landesgericht Hamburg regarding the interrogation of Georg Michalsen (pp. 186-187); - Letter from the Federal Ministry of Justice in Vienna regarding the interrogation protocol of Georg Michalsen (pp. 188-190); - Testimony of Richard Tuerk, born in Breslau, 28 March 1903: Head of a sub-department of the Bevoelkerungswesen und Fuersorge Department in Lublin, 15 January 1940-30 April1942; testimony regarding his function in Lublin; responsibility for the western and eastern Jews; denial of further knowledge of the fate of the Jews; admission that Hoefle was responsible for the resettlement; denial of knowledge that Sobibor, Belzec and Treblinka were extermination camps; assertion that his department was responsible for solving technical problems during the resettlement "Aktions"; denial of knowledge of a shooting in the forest of Piaski (pp. 191-196); - Rogatory letter from 27 November 1972 regarding the criminal proceeding against Lerch and Pohl (p. 197); - Refusal of Dr. Harry Sturm to give evidence regarding the shooting in Krepiec, and Hermann Worthoff (pp.198-200); - Correspondence (rogatory letters, copies and protocols of interrogations) between Landesgericht Klagenfurt and other regional courts and ministries regarding the criminal proceeding against Lerch, Dr. Sturm and Pohl, 1973 (pp. 201-212; 220-224; 228-246; 260); - Testimony of Hermann Worthoff, 06 October 1972: First awareness of Lerch at a meeting regarding the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto, July 1942; no contact between them; seeing Lerch in a car organizing the deportation of Jews from Majdanek, autumn 1942; memory of the shooting in the forest; admission of knowledge of the shooting in Krepiec, and provision of details of what he knows; receipt of information that Jews were shot during the deportation; testimony regarding Lerch and his postings; comments regarding parts of testimony he has already given; assertion that the shooting was in autumn 1942 and not in April; denial that Lerch was with him in the Warsaw Ghetto; knowledge from different sources that Lerch was a Hauptsturmfuehrer (pp. 213-219); - Verdicts regarding the defendants Georg Lothar Hoffman, Dr. Georg Harry Sturm, Gotthard Schubert, Walter Hess and Wilhelm Bruno Meiert handed down by the Landesgericht Wiesbaden, March 1973 (pp. 225-227).
item Id
Type of material
Legal documentation
Names of perpetrators
Official documentation
File Number
Record Group
TR.21 - Trial documentation - Austria
Archival Signature
25VR 3123/71 (former 27cVR 852/62), Band 69
Location of Originals
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Documentation from a trial conducted against Ernst Lerch and other Austrian war criminals from the SSPF headquarters in Lublin, who participated in "Aktion Reinhardt"