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Trial by the district courts in Klagenfurt, Vienna, Salzburg and Linz against members of the HSSPF Lublin, Volume 57; Testimonies mainly from members of the HSSPF Lublin; Documents from different regional courts and correspondence between them concerning "Aktion" Reinhard

Documentation from trials conducted in Landesgericht Klagenfurt (the Klagenfurt District Court), Landesgericht Wien (the Vienna District Court), Landesgericht Salzburg (the Salzburg District Court) and Landesgericht Linz (the Linz District Court) against members of the HSSPF (Höhere SS- und Polizeiführer-Higher SS and Police Leader) Lublin: Documentation of the trial, Volume 57; Testimonies mainly from members of the HSSPF Lublin; documents of different regional courts and correspondence between them concerning "Aktion" Reinhard - Yad Vashem File card (p. 1); - Landesgericht Klagenfurt File card (p. 2); - Letter from Prosecutor Dr. Kuhlmann to First Prosecutor Dr. Coca, 16 July 1964 in Dortmund regarding a copy of the trial against Weirauch (p. 3-4); - Letter from a NSDAP member to his comrades in Krakow, 21 June 1942, regarding the conditions in Generalgouvernements Lublin and his work for the Rassenpolitischen Amtes (Race Policy Office) (pp. 5-7); - Letter from the Regierung des Generalgouvernements, Abteilung Bevoelkerungswesen und Fuersorge (Population and Welfare) Department to Major Ragger in Krakow, 10 March 1942 regarding the resettlement of Jews from Mielec (pp. 8-9); - Confidential letter to the Gouverneur des Districts Lublin from the Kreishauptmann in Lublin, 19 May 1942 regarding the resettlement of Jews (pp. 10-11); - Letter from the Regierung des Generalgouvernements to the Amt des Districts Lublin in Lublin, 19 May 1942 regarding the resettlement of the Jews of the Biala-Podalska district (p. 12); - Excerpt from a letter referring to the Solution of the Jewish Question (pp. 13-14) - Letter from the SS and Polizeifuehrer Lublin to the Gouverneur of district Lublin, 04 September 1942 regarding the resettlement of the Judenrat in Mielec (p. 15); - Letter from Himmler to HSSPF group leader Krueger, 19 July 1942 containing the order to finish the resettlement "Aktions" in the Generalgouvernements by 31 December 1942 (p. 16); - Announcement from the Institute of World Economics, Kiel (p. 17); - Letter from the SS Brigadefuehrer to the Chef des Amthofes Lublin regarding the resettlement of Jews (p. 18); - Regulation document for the Generalgouvernements, issued 23 June 1942 regarding the areas of responsibility of the SD and the police force (pp. 19-22); - Letter to the Regierung des Generalgouvernements from the SD, 18 November 1942 (pp. 23-24); - Document of the Regierung des Generalgouvernements to the Chef des Amthofes Lublin, 03 March 1942 regarding the Jewish Problem (pp. 25-26); - Copy of a document presented by the prosecution at the Eichmann Trial containing instructions for the evacuation of Jews to the Generalgouvernements (pp. 27-32); - Documents, some of them in Polish, referring to the organization of the resettlement "Aktions", preparation for the "Aktions" in the Lublin district and organization in the ghettos (pp. 33-61); - Copies of the same documents that appear on pp. 27-32 (pp. 62-67); - Testimony of Helmut Weihenmaier in Ludwigsburg, 27 November 1962: Born 28 November 1905; work for the Kreishauptamt Zamosc; testimony regarding the first resettlement "Aktions", the transports from Zamosc and the actions of the Bevoelkerungswesen und Fuersorge Lublin administration office; comments regarding various defendants; names of organizations that participated in the implementation of the Solution of the Jewish Question; discussion of the role of the SS in the extermination of Jews; knowledge of the extermination of Jews, 1942, and knowledge of the Belzec extermination camp; claim that he never actively participated in resettlement "Aktions" or transports; comments regarding the Zamosc "Aktion" and Himmler's plan for resettlement; testimony that he had to carry out Himmler's orders; denial that he knows anything regarding a meeting where the Geheime Reichssache (Reich Secret) was discussed (pp. 68-77); - Testimony of Oscar Reichwein, November 1962: Born in Berlin, 05 January 1900; work for the Generalgouvernements; work for the Kriminalhauptmannschaft Zamosc in the Bevoelkerungswesen und Fuersorge department, January 1940-December 1942; testimony regarding various people with whom he worked; description of the function and the organization of the Bevoelkerungswesen und Fuersorge Lublin; testimony regarding the resettlement "Aktions" in Mielec and the gassing of Jews in Belzec (pp. 78-85); - Testimony of Wilhelm Strueber in Hamburg, 08 November 1962: Born in Kalkhofen/Pommern, 29 July 1886; arrival in Hrubieszow, 23 July 1941; work for the employment office; testimony regarding a resettlement "Aktion" in Hrubieszow, summer 1942; transfer to the employment office in Zamosc; transfer to Krasnystaw, 10 December 1943; testimony regarding forced labor of Jews and the resettlement "Aktions" in Zamosc; claim that he heard of the gassing of Jews later (pp.86-89); - Testimony of Claus Harms: Born, 30 July 1903; arrival at the Kreishauptmannschaft in Pulawy, January 1942; service as Kreishauptmann in Krasnystaw until the liquidation of Krasnystaw, summer 1944; transfer to Germany, summer 1944; testimony regarding his time in Pulawy and the organization there; description of the function of the Bevoelkerungswesen und Fuersorge; knowledge of the resettlement "Aktions"; denial that he had anything to do with the resettlement "Aktions" or the Solution to the Jewish Question; further denial that he himself gave orders; claim that Brandt had the signatory authority; testimony regarding Brandt and his activities (pp. 90-97); - Testimony of Leo Claas: Born in Lobberich , 06 November 1905; arrival at the Generalgouvernements Lublin, 10 August 194; work at the Generalgouvernements Lublin as Stadtkomissar in Chelm until August; testimony regarding various people with whom he worked in Chelm; claim that he had nothing to do with the Judenrat; denial of knowledge regarding the resettlement "Aktions"; testimony regarding conditions in the Chelm Ghetto in Chelm; admission of knowledge of the Majdanek camp; denial he had known anything regarding the extermination of Jews; discussion of the function of the Bevoelkerungswesen und Fuersorge (BuF)in Lublin (pp. 98-104); - Testimony of Max Mueller in Bremen, 15 January 1963: Born in Weimar, 17April 1904; work for the police, 1935 to 1945; testimony regarding his function and his activities while he worked for the police; arrest after war and detention until 1953 because he was a member of the Gestapo; denial that he had anything to do with the Solution of the Jewish Question; testimony regarding the activities of various SS Polizeifuehrer in Lublin; testimony regarding Globocnik; naming of the administration offices which worked for the Solution of the Jewish Question; assertion that he had nothing to do with the BuF or the Solution of the Jewish Question; comments regarding a telephone conversation with Weihrauch, and testimony regarding his activities (pp. 105-113); - Testimony of Werner Ansel in Crailsheim, 15 May 1962: Born in Esslingen, 24 July 1909; service as a Kreishauptmann in Bilgoraj, October 1939-March 1942; denial of knowledge regarding the liquidation of Russian POWs and mass shootings of Jews at the cemetery near Chelm; description of the activities of the SS and SD during the resettlement "Aktions"; naming of various people whom he knows from Bilgoraj and Chelm; denial that his office had anything to do with the resettlement "Aktions"; claim that he himself never saw anyone shot, but he did hear of such shootings (pp. 114-117); - Certified copy of the testimony of Kurt M. Thomas regarding Sepp Falasta, 12 February 1962 in Dortmund (p. 118); - Certified translation from Dortmund, 02 July 1962: Translation of the confirmation of the interrogation of Abraham Margulies regarding Sepp Falasta (p. 119); - Certified copy of the testimony of Hubert Gomerski regarding Sepp Falasta, 19 September 1961in Butzbach (p. 120); - Certified copy of the testimony of Erich Bauer regarding Sepp Falasta, 13 September 1961in Butzbach (p. 121); - Testimony of Alfred Ittner, 17 July1962: Born in Kulmbach, 13 January1907; a member of the NSDAP, 1925- 1926; work as a book keeper at the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Heil- und Pflegeanstalten (Reich Association for Healing and Nursing Homes), 1939; work at the extermination camp in Sobibor for three months, 1942; transferred to serve as the head of administration at T4 in Hartheim, until 1944; taken prisoner by the Red Army in Bruenn, May 1945; release, April 1948; return to Kulmbach; testimony regarding his activities and his function as SS Oberschaarfuehrer during the resettlement "Aktions" in Sobibor; claim that he heard about shootings but never shot anyone himself; assertion that he saw different shootings, but he himself refused to shoot a woman in Camp Three where he worked and where Jews were shot in a pen; testimony regarding various people who worked in the camp; admission that he knew about the Euthanasia Program and the gassing of Jews; denial that he ever was an active participant in those operations; claim that he never used a weapon or a whip in the camp (pp. 122-137); - Letter from Landesgericht Wien, 09 November 1964 (pp. 138-140); - Letter to Landesgericht Wien, 17 November 1964 with reference to the death certificate and other documents regarding Anton Getzinger (pp. 141-145); - Testimony of Hermann Worthoff, 18 June 1962: Testimony that he has no knowledge of a place called Kalinowszczyzna and that he never heard of shootings there; denial that he participated in shootings there; description of the Ausweiskontrollaktionen (Pass control "Aktions") in Majdan Tatarski; testimony regarding the selection of 1,500 people for deportation to Majdanek on orders from Lizka who guarded the deportations; testimony regarding a shooting in the forest where Jews were shot in pens; handing over of two drawings from the Majdan Tatarski Ghetto and Majdanek (pp. 146-150); - Interrogation report of Lothar Hoffmann in Wiesbaden: Testimony that Liska gave the order to liquidate the ghetto, and description of the shooting of the elderly and the sick in Lublin; denial that it was he who gave the order to shoot the Jews who had been selected in the forest; admission that he was in Majdan Tatarski because of the executions; testimony regarding those executions which he guarded; admission that he participated in the transportation of corpses and that he saw the ovens in the crematoria; testimony regarding the preparations for the shooting in Lublin, 1943 and the names of various participants; comments regarding the shooting of Dr. Alten, Goldfarb and Grajer (pp.151-160); - Document from the Federal Interior Ministry of Austria, 04 February 1965, regarding "Aktion" Reinhard and containing different photocopies (pp. 161-162); - Documents from the district Lublin SS police guard [office], 29 April 1943 regarding Lerch (pp. 163-164); - Table of contents regarding various documents from "Aktion" Reinhard in district Lublin, 1942-1943, containing letters, documents, HSSPF Lublin correspondence, lists of names and the organization of the resettlement "Aktions" (pp. 165-227); - List of 6,000 Jews deported from Lublin, including their dates of birth and the places of birth (pp. 228-248); - Copy of the third chapter of the book "Hitlerowska Polityka"(Hitler's Policy- Extermination of Jews, Mass Murder 1941-1942) and a copy of the fourth chapter of the book "Extermination of Jews During the Stalingrad Period" (The documents are in Polish) (pp. 252-312); - Documents from 01 February 1969, including 1) A translation of a photocopied protocol of the Lublin Judenrat regarding the resettlement of the Lublin Ghetto, from the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw; 2) Typed protocols of the Lublin Judenrat, in Polish; 3) Handwritten protocols of the Lublin Judenrat from 1942; All the documents refer to resettlement "Aktions" and to "Aktion" Reinhard (pp. 313-343); - Testimony of Rolf Heinrich Alexander Heising in Pfronten, 14 August 1964: Testimony regarding various defendants concerning their participation in the resettlement "Aktions" in the Warsaw Ghetto; Himmler's visit, 09 January 1943; assertion that he and all the other members of the HSSPF had knowledge of the extermination of Jews with gas from 1942; witness to the deportation of the Jews to Treblinka; claim that this knowledge was termed a Reich Secret (Top Secret), but everyone in the ghetto talked about it; testimony that the SD headed the resettlement "Aktions"; comments regarding Michalsen who had connections to the Schultz Company; testimony regarding the physicians, Dr. Juengst, Dr. Lambre and Dr. Kiefer, as well as Auerswald, who was responsible for the local Jews (pp. 344-357); - Testimony of Marianne Dombrowsky in Limburg, 21 November 1964: Born in Berlin, 21 September 1910; work as a secretary for the HSSPF Lublin until 25 March 1941; arrival in Lublin with Mrs. Maubach, 01 March 1940; work as the secretary of Globocnik and the staff command in Lublin; resignation from her job due to differences; testimony regarding members of HSSPF Lublin and people she knows from Lublin; claim that she has no knowledge regarding the extermination of or violence against Jews; explanation that Globocnik could not write and speak well so that she had to revise everything for him (pp. 358-363); - Testimony of Friedrich Schmidt, 08 November 1964: Born, 21 April 1911; arrival at the SS Reiterregiment, 1939; service first as an accountant in Warsaw, and then in Lublin for the SS Standortverwaltung until July 1942; an economic administrator for one year until October 1943; assumption of responsibility for Aussenstelle der Standortverwaltung Zamosc until June 1944; testimony regarding members of the department in Lublin; testimony regarding his knowledge concerning "Aktion" Reinhard, the organization and the participants (pp. 363-366); - Various documents regarding the death of Odilo Globocnik: Correspondence between various regional courts (pp. 367-380).
item Id
Type of material
Legal documentation
Names of perpetrators
Official documentation
File Number
Record Group
TR.21 - Trial documentation - Austria
Archival Signature
25VR 3123/71 (former 27cVR 852/62), Band 57
Location of Originals
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Documentation from a trial conducted against Ernst Lerch and other Austrian war criminals from the SSPF headquarters in Lublin, who participated in "Aktion Reinhardt"
Yad Vashem Document Collection, Moshal Repository