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Trial by the district courts in Klagenfurt, Vienna, Salzburg and Linz against members of the HSSPF Lublin, Volume 56;Trial against Helmut Pohl: Documentation sent from Poland regarding the persecution and extermination of Jews in Lublin area, as well as the deportation of Jews from the Mielec region

Documentation from trials conducted in Landesgericht Klagenfurt (the Klagenfurt District Court), Landesgericht Wien (the Vienna District Court), Landesgericht Salzburg (the Salzburg District Court) and Landesgericht Linz (the Linz District Court) against members of the HSSPF (Höhere SS- und Polizeiführer-Higher SS and Police Leader) Lublin: Documentation of the trial, Volume 56; Documentation of the trial against Helmut Pohl: Documentation sent from Poland regarding the persecution and extermination of Jews in Lublin area, as well as the deportation of Jews from the Mielec region - Documentation regarding the deportation of Jews from the Mielec region (Poland), translated from the Polish book "Akcje wysiedlenia" (Resettlement "Aktions"), by Dr. J. Kermisz, "Eksterminacja zydow na ziemiach polskich" (The Extermination of Jews on Polish Soil) (pp. 6-63); - Documentation from other sources, sent from Poland: The documents include orders issued by the German authorities as well as internal discussions regarding deportation, including escape attempts; Jewish skilled workers and experts; possessions of the Jews; administration of the transport; administration of forced labor, and commodities for the deportees, such as food, water and medical equipment (pp. 64-88, 123-162); - Lists of transports with Jews deported from Lublin from the "Bletter fur Geschichte" (Pages for History) (pp. 90-106); - Lists of the German members of the SS police administration in Lublin (pp. 107-119).
item Id
Type of material
Legal documentation
Names of perpetrators
Official documentation
File Number
Record Group
TR.21 - Trial documentation - Austria
Date of Creation - earliest
Date of Creation - latest
Archival Signature
25VR 3123/71 (former 27cVR 852/62), Band 56
Location of Originals
Connected to Item
Documentation from a trial conducted against Ernst Lerch and other Austrian war criminals from the SSPF headquarters in Lublin, who participated in "Aktion Reinhardt"
Yad Vashem Document Collection, Moshal Repository