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Documents from the trial conducted in Landesgericht (regional court) in Klagenfurt, Salzburg and Vienna against members of the HSSPF Lublin: Documentation of the trial, volume 53; Testimonies by the Austrian and German perpetrators Ernst Lerch, Stephan Baltzer, Johann Offermann, Georg Haller, Leo Bialinski, Oskar Reichwein, Harry Georg Sturm, Otto Hantke and Emil Thomas, 1964

Documents from the trial conducted in Landesgericht (regional court) in Klagenfurt, Salzburg and Vienna against members of the HSSPF Lublin: Documentation of the trial, volume 53; Testimonies by the Austrian and German perpetrators Ernst Lerch, Stephan Baltzer, Johann Offermann, Georg Haller, Leo Bialinski, Oskar Reichwein, Harry Georg Sturm, Otto Hantke and Emil Thomas, 1964 Letter by the ministry of the interior regarding the results of the investigation regarding the two witnesses Jan Karski and Leon Feiner, the former secretary at the SSPF-Lublin Mimi Trsek, Franz Koskowetz, Franz Eigner, Benedikt Farkas, Rudolf Schleissner and Helmut Pohl (Vienna 01/04/1964) pp.3-4 Report by the ministry of the interior regarding Jan Karski, a former courier of the Polish government in exile living now in Washington D.C. according to information of the “Jüdische Dokumentationszentrum” (Jewish documentation center) as well as Leon Feiner, the head of the Jewish social democratic party in Poland who died or was murdered in Poland in 1944 (Vienna 04/03/1964) p.6 Testimony by Ernst Lerch claiming to have never been a member of the security police, never having seen Heydrich in regard to Jewish issues and never having been the head of the Judenreferat, regarding a stay in a hospital in Klagenfurt in July, August and September 1941 due to an illness, denying to know a lieutenant named Manke mentioned in an order dated on September 4th 1942, his work (searching for suitable accommodation for SS and police forces in Russian lands), denying to have worked in Lublin, denying to having had something to do with evacuations and working in July 1940 for the SSPF Lublin as he was concerned with the resettlement of South Tyroleans in Carinthia at that time; visiting Lublin for some days in summer 1940 and getting drafted via the Waffen-SS to Lublin in November 1940 or January 1941, not having had a leading position in Lublin, not being able to remember partisan activity in 1941, being denied to become part of ‘the troop’, working at the SSPF-Lublin in the post department, not being present at meetings with the commander about the deportation of Jews, never having been part of ‘actions against Jews’ and of a meeting with Globocnik, not being present at any executions of Jews, not knowing the term ‘Aktion Reinhard’, not knowing anything about the implementation of the ‘Endlösung’, denying all allegations and denying to know any of the names he was asked about, not knowing that members of the SSPF-Lublin took part in massacres of Jews, Gauleiter Rainer of Triest wanting to avoid confrontations with partisans and protecting the Jews of Triest, the activities of special commandos in the region around Triest, accompanying Globocnik on trips but not being present during meetings, Michals probably having had to with human resources (Personalreferent) (Klagenfurt 21/01/1964) pp.11-17 Protocol of an interrogation of Stephan Baltzer regarding his interrogation on 28/10/1961 during which he denied having taken part in the liquidation of the Lublin ghetto, getting transferred to the Trawniki camp at the end of November or at the beginning of December 1941, himself being the head of the 6th company there, the liquidation of the Lublin ghetto by the security police and in which he and his troops as well as Ukrainian forces were involved, Ukrainian forces being responsible for dragging Jews out of their houses, himself never having entered a house in the ghetto during its liquidation, troops bringing Jews from their houses to the train station, never having witnessed atrocities during the liquidation of the ghetto except from hearing shots being fired here and then, never having seen a Jew being shot in the ghetto, not knowing about an order telling Nazi forces to shoot old and sick people to death or shootings of old and sick people in the ghetto, not knowing at the time of the liquidation of the ghetto that the Jews of the ghetto would be killed, himself being sometimes part of punitive measures against partisans, himself and 50 to 60 men of his company being involved in the transfer of Jews from Opole to the concentration camp Poniatowa where he also worked for some time later, being involved in the liquidation of the ghetto in Warsaw for three weeks, bringing the Jews from their homes to the Umschlagplatz in cooperation with Ukrainian forces, never having witnessed the deportation of the Jews from Warsaw, the action “Kessel an der Mila”, his work at the concentration camp Poniatowa where he supervised Ukrainian forces, denying any violence against Jews by the SS-personnel of the concentration camp Poniatowa, the shooting of the Jews of the concentration camp Poniatowa by members of the security police in which he and the other SS personnel were not involved, witnessing the executions in which Ukrainian forces were somehow involved from the house in which the camp personnel lived, the burning of the corpses on the following day by Ukrainian forces and Jewish inmates, not knowing anything about the fate of the Jews who were forced to burn the corpses of the murdered, afterwards being transferred back to the Trawniki camp and being involved in punitive measures against partisans during which he was wounded, his transfer to Breslau and his return to the Trawniki camp in 1944, being the vice-head of the 6th company which was headed by Kollaritsch (Hamburg 26/02/1964) pp.18-27 Protocol of an interrogation of Johann Wendelinus Kornelius Offermann regarding his work in at the SSPF Lublin, the confiscation of Jewish property in Lublin, Von Alvensleben being responsible for the Selbstschutz (self-defense) and factories and treating Jews and Poles nicely, his colleagues, the Selbstschutz arresting Jews to be exploited as forced laborers for the Lipowa forced labor camp, punitive measures against and shootings of Poles, not being informed about the shootings of Jews, Globocnik, Von Alvensleben managing to provide the Jewish physician Mosbach, Blank, Frank, Bergmann, Persiko and Wieselmann and other Jews with accommodation, the deportation of those Jews later on to the forced labor camp Lipowa, the escape of 7 to 10 Jews employed by Dr. Sickel who treated SS men and the decision to not search for them, the Aktion Erntefest, the concentration camp Krasnik, Mr. Kawa, the Jewish head of the camp, denying to know something about the shooting of Jews by the security police on February 14th, 17th and 18th 1944 in Krasnik, the murder of Kawa, not knowing the concentration camp Annopol, denying to have hanged two Jewish boys who unsuccessfully escaped the camp with Gröger (Hamburg 26/02/1964) pp.28-42 Protocol of an interrogation of Georg Haller regarding the district Lublin were 25-30 camps were operating, information on the camps in Wlodawa, Hansk, Krychow, Ruda (Opalin), Sawin, Biala-Podlaska, Rogozniczka, Kloda, Lomazy, Horodyszcze, Tyszowce, Zamosc, Staw, Jozefow, Frampol (camps of the water economy authority), the administration of those camps, information on people he worked with (Offermann, Claasen, Sommer), his transfer to Cracow at the beginning of 1942 and not being involved in any deportations of Jews, his efforts to hide Jews as long as possible (Hamburg 26/02/1964) pp.43-48 Protocol of an interrogation of Kriminalobermeister Leo Bialinski regarding his work at the SSPF in Lublin starting shortly before the beginning of the war against Russia until February 1944, information on people he worked with (Vogel, Schubert, Öltze, Gruber, Rzepa, Pohl, Butte, Fielder, Mann, Stein, Ms. Markus, hardy, Wienholz, Pohl, Hübner, Felsinger, Koppold, Flörke, Wippern, Pautsch, Hörster, Schwarz), his work regarding the accommodation of soldiers, being sent to the concentration camp Poniatowa where he worked until July 1943, he and an SS-Obersturmführer becoming the heads of a former POW camp in Wlodawa that shall be transformed into a concentration camp for Jews (did not happen in the end), being responsible for accommodation (Forschungsstelle für Ostunterkünfte, called SS-Mannschaftshaus) starting in August 1943, punitive measures against partisans, the concentration camp Poniatowa, the situation of the inmates there (they were from Vienna, Opole and Warsaw), food supply, the decision to move the Többens factory from Warsaw to Poniatowa, not knowing about Backhaus killing Jews that have been hospitalized, not knowing about the murder of the Jewish cook Grünwald by Gley, Hering shooting a Jewish boy to death, the shooting of an ‘Aryan’ woman married to a Jew detained in Poniatowa, (Hamburg 29/02/1964) pp.49-72 Protocol of an interrogation of former justice secretary Oskar Reichwein regarding his work as the official for population and welfare policy, negotiations with Garfinkiel (p.74), his tasks, his work with the Judenrat of Zamosc, his work regarding the deportation of Jews which he cannot remember properly, his knowledge about the deportation of Jews, extermination camps (Belzec, Treblinka) and the gassing of Jews, the deportation of 2500 Jews of Zamosc in which he may have been involved (he is not sure about it), probably having passed the extermination camp Belzec but not having entered it, having heard rumors about the shooting of Jews and Russian POW by the Gestapo (Wiesbaden, Berlin 13/11/1961) pp.73-78 Protocol of an interrogation of Harry Georg Sturm (former member of the security police) regarding his work at the security service (Sicherheitsdienst) in Lublin starting in April 1940 for the department for “Volkstumsfragen” (ethnic issues), being responsible for “Jewish issues” starting in autumn 1941 until the end of 1942 when he left Lublin, remarks on people working for the SSPF Lublin, being involved in the liquidation of the Lublin ghetto on March and April 1942, controlling the personal documents of the Jews of the Lublin ghetto, the involvement of the security police, Jewish police forces and Ukrainian forces, the SSPF being responsible for the liquidation of the ghetto, the shooting of Jews during the liquidation, the (liquidation of the) “Rest-Ghetto” Majdan-Tatarski, the deportation of Jews without valid personal documents to the extermination camp Majdanek, his work in the “Rest-Ghetto” (issuing personal documents), not being present during the liquidation of the “Rest-Ghetto”, the shooting of Jews during the liquidation of the ghetto by the security police and Ukrainian forces, the deportation to the extermination camp Majdanek (Wiesbaden, Hamburg 24/03/1964) pp.79-89 Protocol of an interrogation of Otto Hantke regarding the “Sommeraktion” in the Warsaw ghetto in 1942 (deportation of Jews), remarks on people he worked with, the concentration camp Lipowa, being part of the “Sommeraktion” in the Warsaw ghetto in 1942 with Lerch and Benedikt Farkas (searching for Jews with valid documents), members of the technical emergency relief troops taking part in the liquidation and destruction of the Warsaw ghetto (blowing up houses), his work at the Umschlagplatz (selecting workers for the Lipowa concentration camp), the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (‘Stroop-Aktion’) in which he was not involved, Hantke shooting 4 sick Jews in the concentration camp Budzyn and the Jewish camp physician recommending him to do so due to the illness they had, denying the allegations of witnesses, himself leaving the Warsaw Ghetto after the end of the “Sommeraktion”, being present at the first day of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (‘Stroop-Aktion’), abusing Jews, the camp in Budzyn, selecting Jews to work in the concentration camp Lipowa in Izbica, denying to have ordered and headed shootings in the in Budzyn, having taken part in the abuse of Jews in the Lipowa camp, denying to have taken part in the shootings of Jews at the Jewish cemetery in the Warsaw ghetto, denying to have implemented an ‘Aktion’ in the Warsaw ghetto with the support of 20 police officials on 11/11/1942, being transferred from the concentration camp Budzyn to the concentration camp Poniatowa, remarks on Bialinski’s protocol, being present at the arrival of deportation trains filled with Jews in Lublin from where some of them were taken to the Lipowa camp, not knowing anything about Jewish prayer services or a Jewish hospital being filmed for propagandistic considerations (Hamburg 07/04/1964, 09/04/1964, 13/04/1964) pp.90-107 Testimony by Emil Thomas regarding Bruno König who gave Jews something to eat illegally and was thus transferred to a different unit in Cracow and who died, Thomas being cautioned by his superior Lois for doing the same (Duisburg-Ruhrort 12/05/1964) pp.109-110 Letter by the Regional Court for Criminal Matters in Vienna to the court in Duisburg-Ruhrort regarding current criminal procedures against former SS-members alleged to have committed crimes against Jews and Poles in the General Government (liquidation of the ghettos Lublin, Warsaw and others, the “Aktion Reinhard”, the establishment of the extermination camps Sobibor, Belzec, Majdanek and Treblinka, the “Aktion Erntefest”) as well as the request to interrogate Emil Thomas (Vienna 23/04/1964) pp.113-114 Letter by the ministry of the interior to the Regional Court for Criminal Matters in Vienna regarding the criminal proceedings against Helmut Pohl and photos (attached, including notes, regarding Heinrich Barbl, Franz Hödl, Rudolf Schleissner and Helmut Pohl) and information on the former secretary at the SSPF Lublin, Wilhelmine Mimi Trsek as well as the book “Hinter den Mauern des Pawiak” (Behind the walls of Pawiak) by Leon Wanat (Vienna 19/05/1964) pp.115-138 List of Jewish victims Mr. Mosbach p.34 Mr. Blank p.34 Mr. Frank p.34 Mr. Bergmann p.34 Mr. Persiko p.34 Mr. Wieselmann p.34 Mr. (Izak) Kawa p.37 p.103 Grünwald p.66 Garfinkiel p.74 Geier/Grajer p.86 Kestenberg p.86 Goldfarb p.86 Dr. Alten p.86 Nüßlein p.96 Cynowiec p.96 Ezrachi p.97 Fischer p.97 Klimanek p.98 Scherf p.99 Gedala Bines p.99 Hochrad p.101 Koziel p.101 Reiter p.101 Spiegelstein p.102 Frajman p.102 Daszewski p.103 Kaplan p.104 Flint p.104 Frank p.106 Blank p.107 David p.107 CORRESPONDENCE, NOTES AND FORMAL DOCUMENTS REGARDING THE CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS p.108
item Id
Type of material
Legal documentation
Names of perpetrators
Official documentation
File Number
Record Group
TR.21 - Trial documentation - Austria
No. of pages/frames
Archival Signature
25VR 3123/71 (former 27cVR 852/62), Band 53
Location of Originals
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Documentation from a trial conducted against Ernst Lerch and other Austrian war criminals from the SSPF headquarters in Lublin, who participated in "Aktion Reinhardt"
Yad Vashem Document Collection, Moshal Repository