Regional Court (landesgericht) in Klagenfurt
Lanz Leopold
Pohl Helmut Ortwin
Sturm Georg Harry
Escape to the Aryan Side
Kutschera Franz
Hiding By Poles
Jesuiter Max
Exchange of Jews for Germans
Krakhofer Franz
Farkas Benedikt
War Crimes Trials in Austria
Trials of Nazi Criminals and Their Accomplices
Trials - Germany
Deportation From the Ghettos
Aktion T4
Persecution of Polish Jews
Hiding Evidence of the Extermination
Euthanasia Program
Wannsee Conference
Aktion Reinhard
Lubliner Kommando
Sspf Lublin -SS- Und Polizeifuehrer Lublin
Toebbens Und Schultz
Fritz Schulz Company
Judenrat Warsaw Ghetto