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Trial by the district courts in Klagenfurt, Vienna, Salzburg and Linz against members of the HSSPF Lublin, Volume 10: Trial against Hermann Hoefle: Testimonies by German perpetrators and Jewish survivors, 1961

Documentation from trials conducted in Landesgericht Klagenfurt (the Klagenfurt District Court), Landesgericht Wien (the Vienna District Court), Landesgericht Salzburg (the Salzburg District Court) and Landesgericht Linz (the Linz District Court) against members of the HSSPF (Höhere SS- und Polizeiführer-Higher SS and Police Leader) Lublin: Trial against Hermann Hoefle; Testimonies by German perpetrators and Jewish survivors, 1961 Documentation from a trial conducted against Austrian war criminals, most of whom participated in "Aktion Reinhardt": - Investigation against Hermann Hoefle started in Landesgericht Linz (the Linz District Court) in 1947 (Vg8 6771/47); - Main part of the investigation conducted by Landesgericht Salzburg (the Salzburg District Court) from 1956 (11a Vr 1382/56) and Landesgericht Wien (the Vienna District Court) from 1962 (27c Vr 852/62); - Final investigation conducted by Landesgericht Klagenfurt (the Klagenfurt District Court), 1962-1971 (25 Vr 3123/71); - Transfer of the files to the various courts and emendation of the signatures, as well as commencement of various other trials against other Austrian war criminals during the investigation; - Copying of the documents at Landesgericht Klagenfurt and transfer of the copies to Yad Vashem. The overall arrangement of the files includes three kinds of volumes: - General volumes containing general administrational information regarding the trial, indexes and collections; - Appendix volumes containing statements and information from trials dealing with similar cases from Germany, mostly from Hamburg; - Main volumes containing documentation, statements and correspondence from the trial. This file is part of the Main Volume; it contains administrational correspondence and documents, copies of Nazi documentation and statements of witnesses. A detailed and complete list of documents can be found in the Aktenverzeichnis (docket), (TR.21/1). Statements of former members of the HSSP Lublin or other Nazi organizations: - Statement by Max Runhof, an adjutant to Globocnik who worked together with Hoefle, given 30 November 1961: Claim that he does not know anything about crimes and atrocities committed by the Germans (pp. 34-47). - Statement by Karl Friedrich Jepsen given 07 December 1961: Claim that he does not know anything about crimes and atrocities committed during the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto (pp. 48-68). - Statement by Christoph Fahner given 08 December 1961: Claim that he does not know anything about crimes and atrocities committed during the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto (pp. 69-81). - Statement by Kurt Donjakowski, born 19 June 1911, given 05 December 1961: Claim that he does not know anything about crimes and atrocities committed during the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto (pp. 82-95). - Statement by Josef Kilchenstein, born 07 February 1899, given 27 October 1960: Information regarding the administrational structure of the HSSP Lublin; Names mentioned: Hans Schmer, Hasselberg, Fischotter, Rohlfing, Meiszenr, Noa, Kreiszner, Heydrich, Huppenkothen, Mueller, Puetz, Hoffmann, Georg Engel, Dominik, Globocnik, Worthoff, Levermann, Iselhorst, Windhoevl, Heilig, Theimer, Raschadoerfer, Trautwein, Ege, Leucksenring, Noak, Nowak, Emmersleben, Block, Schuberth, Globisch, Alt, Kotzam, Hoefle, Lerch, Michalsen, Schweinle, Soosten, Kientrup, Gottwald, Grol, Grail, Konopka, and Rollkommando 1008; Places mentioned: Majdanek and Kharkov (pp. 19-33). - Statement by Willibald Schober given 11 December 1961: Claim that he does not know anything about crimes and atrocities committed by Hoefle in Lublin (pp. 105-111). - Statement by Ludwig Leist, city mayor during the Geman occupation of Warsaw, given 05 December 1961: Claim that he does not know anything about crimes and atrocities committed by Hoefle in Warsaw (pp. 143-153). - Statement by Waldemar Sterk given 07 December 1961: Claim that he does not know anything about crimes and atrocities committed by Hoefle in Warsaw (pp. 154-166). -Statement by Hans Tyrek, an SS Rottenfuehrer who was wounded on 19 April 1943 during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, given 11 December 1961: Description of his duties during the battle (pp. 167-169). - Statement by Fritz Ruehrnschopf, a guard in the Dzielna prison in the Warsaw Ghetto, given 12 December 1961: Information regarding the Dzielna prison (pp. 170-183). - Statement by Oskar Zisenis given 12 December 1961: Information regarding the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto, April 1943; description of the battles; Names mentioned: Schoeppe and Koppe (pp. 199-213). - Statement by Heinz Schmidt given 08 December 1961: Claim that he does not know anything about crimes and atrocities committed by Hoefle in Warsaw (pp. 214-216). - Statement by Fritz Feicho given 11 December 1961: Claim that he does not know anything about crimes and atrocities committed by Hoefle in Warsaw; Places mentioned: Alexandrow and Litzmannstadt (pp. 221-232). - Statement by Elisabeth Grabenhorst given 14 December 1961: Claim that she does not know anything about crimes and atrocities committed by Hoefle; information regarding Hahn; Names mentioned: Goretzki, Gretel Baumann, Karl Brand, Dr. Hahn, Dr. Schoengart and Kurt Lechner (pp. 233-244). - Statement by Friedrich Vogel given 15 December 1961: Admission that his unit participated in the deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943, however, very little information regarding the deportation (pp. 245-261). - Statement by Richard Karl Grudno given 14 December 1961: Claim that he does not know anything about crimes and atrocities committed by Hoefle in Warsaw; information regarding the administrational organization; Names mentioned: Hahn, Globocnik, Eugen Schweitzer, Weitzer, Waldemar Sterk and Stamm (pp. 262-276). - Statement by Heinrich Koehnle given 12 December 1961: Claim that he does not know anything about atrocities committed by Hoefle in Lublin or Warsaw (pp. 277-290). - Statement by Arno Petersen given 12 December 1961: Admission that he was responsible for a transport of Jews from Warsaw to Lublin in 1940 (pp. 321-333). - Statement by Willy Schmidt given 12 December 1961: Admission that he witnessed the deportation of Jews from the Umschlagplatz in the Warsaw Ghetto; Names mentioned: Hahn (pp. 335-345). - Statement by Josef Stromberg given 12 December 1961: Claim that he does not know anything about atrocities committed in Warsaw; Names mentioned: Dr. Hahn (pp. 367-379). Statements by witnesses: - Statement by Symcha Turkieltaub, born 1905, given 04 May 1960: Detailed information regarding the Lublin Ghetto, 1939-1943; the shooting of the elderly, orphans and inmates of a hospital in Lublin; the camp at Lipowa street 7; Majdan Tatarski and Majdanek; mention of several mass murders and the murder of individuals, with detailed information regarding the perpetrators; Names mentioned: Gunst, Marek Alten, Jona Friedlender, Dolph, Abram Mandelbart, Kalich, Worthoff, Sturm, Knitzki, Lehl, Barteczko, Morwinckiel (Mohwinkel?), Riedel, Klein, Handke, Globocnik, Zoerner, Runte, Schoenner, Jakob Baureis, Rosa Arenstein, Lejzor Sturm, Honigmann, Jackson, Jureck, Blaszczak, Plaszczak, Ryfka Ringelblum, Hana Silberstein, Patrick, Thumann, H. Ramm and Schimmel; Places mentioned: Pobostwostrasse 7, Chopinastrasse, Sadowastrasse, Szpitalnastrasse, Lubartow, Parczew, Biala Podlaska, Belzec, Jatecznastrasse, Kowel, Kriwoi Rog and Tysy (pp. 3-18) (one page missing). -Statement by Gaijstman Majloch given 07 December 1961: The page is missing. - Statement by Aron Kaufmann, an inmate in the Dulag camp, given 28 November 1961 (?): Eye witness account of several murders and atrocities during deportation; abuse of women in the camp several times byHoefle; later Hoefle aeen by him at the Umschlagplatz; Names mentioned: Hoefle and Eichmann; Places mentioned: Sachsenhausen, Dulag and Loeschno 109 (pp. 219-220). - Statement by Seli Schipper given 13 December 1961: Life in the Warsaw Ghetto until 1943; deportation to Majdanek; transfer to Auschwitz; reference to a statement given October 1961; Names mentioned: Hahn, Hoefle, Klostermeier and Plscher (pp. 277-290). - Statement by David Spiro, the only surviving member of the Judenrat in Warsaw Ghetto, given 12 December 1961: Detailed information regarding deportations and his personal history; Names mentioned: Adam Czerniakow, Marek Lichtenbaum, Wielikowski, Stolzmann, Feix, Sammern, Hahn, Brand, Mende, Klostermeier and Auerswald; Places mentioned: Pawiak prison and Budzin (pp. 304-320). Selection of administrational correspondence and notes: Note: - List of witnesses: Alfred Pazaricz, Harry Ellenbogen, Hillel Seidmann, Jacob Podos, Max Silver, Norman Finkelstein, Jack Sherman, Samuel Kamien, Zachary Schwarzberg, Jacob Gora, Alfred Zimmermann, Israel Roblit, Samuel Gutmann, Abraham Zienba, Josef Goldberg, Moshe Zylberberg or Moses Silberberg, Ela Poncz, Nathan Spinner, G. Grynszpan, Jack Eisner, Richard Mittelberg, Sol Limber, Berta Dukarewicz, Wolf Jonisz, Bronislaw Marszok, Henryk Kaminsky, D. Landau, Samuel Blade, Leo Gerenreich, Josef Ezrachi, Marcel Reich Ranicki, Pawel Zielinski, formerly Fraenkel, Moses Szmulewicz, Michael Gernstein, Simon Goldberg, Aron Kaufmann, Shlomo Stardimer, Jehuda Leib Teiblum, Benjamin Eichner, Mosche Konski, Regina Grinberg, Miriam Preis, Mordechai Luftmann, Dr. Spiro, Sam Henry Hoffenberg, Jehoszua Kron, Jehoszua Toporek, Jakob Ender, Baruch Reinermann, Julian Daszewski, Halina Borman, Henryk Borman, Mieczyslaw Gorski, Jecheskiel Chajkin, Mosze Dawidson, Anschel Steinberg, Arie Rosenbusch, Zwi Wolfenfeld, Jakow Rosen, Chana Wimer, Rachel Freifeld, Irena Rojek and Jacob Rudnianski (pp. 129-133; - Request to interview Dietrich Allers, Hamburg (pp. 134-142); - Request to interview Rudolf Weber, Bonn (pp. 291-303); - Request to interview Symcha Turkieltaub, Tel Aviv (pp. 348-364); - List of documents regarding Hoefle at Tel Aviv Police (pp. 217/218). Copies of Nazi documents: - Regimentsbefehl No. 37, Lublin, 04 September 1942, identical to a document in TR21/16.
item Id
Type of material
Legal documentation
Names of perpetrators
Official documentation
File Number
Record Group
TR.21 - Trial documentation - Austria
Date of Creation - earliest
Date of Creation - latest
No. of pages/frames
Archival Signature
25VR 3123/71 (former 27cVR 852/62), Band 10
Location of Originals
Connected to Item
Documentation from a trial conducted against Ernst Lerch and other Austrian war criminals from the SSPF headquarters in Lublin, who participated in "Aktion Reinhardt"
Yad Vashem Document Collection, Moshal Repository