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Trial by the district courts in Klagenfurt, Vienna, Salzburg and Linz against members of the HSSPF Lublin, Volume 50: Documentation of the trial against Dr. Ludwig Hahn, held in Hamburg Regional Court: Testimonies by defendants and survivors regarding the Warsaw Ghetto, Heinrich Klaustermeyer and Otto Hantke, 1960

Documents from the trial conducted in the Landesgericht (Regional Courts ) in Klagenfurt, Salzburg and Vienna against members of the Hoehere SS und Polizeifuehrer (HSSPF-SS and Police Chief) Lublin; documentation of the trial, Volume 50; documentation of the trial against Dr. Ludwig Hahn, held in Hamburg Regional Court: Testimonies by defendants and survivors regarding the Warsaw Ghetto, Heinrich Klaustermeyer and Otto Hantke, 1960 - Official correspondence of State Prosecutor Dr. Adolf Kloeckner, Hamburg, regarding relevant documents from Polish archives, and the book "Za murami Pawiaka" (Behind the Walls of Pawiak) by Leon Wanat, 19 July 1961 (pp. 3-8); - Testimony of Heinrich Klaustermeyer, Oberscharfuehrer, KdS Warsaw, mentioning a possible confusion of Hans Baecker (also an Oberscharfuehrer in Warsaw) and himself (pp. 10-13); - Testimony of Dr. Ludwig Hahn regarding the order given on 02 August 1944 to quell the Warsaw Polish Uprising with all means possible (pp.15-17); - Testimony of Jakob Gora, a Jewish survivor, and a Warsaw Ghetto inmate,1940-1943 (pp. 19-22); - Testimony of Israel Rotblit, a Jewish survivor and a Warsaw Ghetto inmate (pp. 24-29); - Testimony of Walter Stamm, head of Department IV, Kommandeure der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (Kds-SIPO and SD Headquarters) Warsaw (pp. 31-33); - Statement by Dr. Hanns v. Krannhals regarding the testimony of former concentration camp inmate Hirsch, (pp. 34-35); - Order issued by Ernst Rode for the transfer of 1,500 inmates from the Matzkau concentration camp to quell the Warsaw Polish Uprising, 20 September 1944 (p. 36); - Testimony of Paul Otto Geibel, head of SSPF in the Warsaw district during the Warsaw Uprising (pp. 37-46); - Order issued by SSPF Warsaw for the execution of 100 Polish resistance fighters as retaliation for an attack against a German police vehicle, 03 December 1943 (p. 47); - Testimony of Mozesz Szmulewicz, a Warsaw Ghetto inmate deported to Lublin, April 1943 (pp. 49-51); - Testimony of Bronislaw Marczak, who fled from the Warsaw Ghetto, April 1942 (pp. 52-56); - Official correspondence regarding the identification of possible witnesses, 31 July 1961 (pp. 58-61); - Testimony of Alfred Pozarik, a Warsaw Ghetto inmate, and an employee of the Judenrat in charge of the Jewish hospital (pp. 63-66); - Testimony of Jacob Podos, a Warsaw Ghetto inmate, November 1939-April1943, deported to Treblinka, and from there to Budzin, regarding Heinrich Klaustermeyer (pp. 68-70); - Testimony of Dr. Hillel Seideman, a Warsaw Ghetto inmate, 1939-January 1943, a member of the Judenrat in Warsaw, and the author of the book, "Diary of the Warsaw Ghetto" (pp. 72-75); - Testimony of Nathan Spinner, a Warsaw Ghetto inmate, 1939-1943, regarding Heinz Auerswald, Karl Klostermeyer, SS Hauptscharfuehrer Wollschlaeger and SS Scharfuehrer Klaus (pp. 77-84); - Testimony of Maxi Silver (Moische Silvernadel) a Warsaw Ghetto inmate, 1942-May 1943, deported to Auschwitz, transferred to Buchenwald, transferred to the Zwiebergen bei Halberstadt camp, transferred to Gross-Rosen and liberated in Halberstadt in 1945 (pp. 86-88); - Testimony of Norman (Nissen) Finkelstein, a Warsaw Ghetto inmate, 1940-1943, deported to Treblinka in 1943, transferred to Bergen-Belsen and liberated in 1945 (pp. 90-91); - Testimony of Berta Duckarewicz, a Warsaw Ghetto inmate 1939-1940 (pp. 93-99); - Testimony of Mieczislaw Tobias, a Warsaw Ghetto inmate, regarding his experiences: escape from the ghetto, October 1942; in hiding until 30 March 1943; capture in Otwock by the SD Otwock, 30 March 1943; deportation to Treblinka, April 1943; inmate in Treblinka April-October 1943; information regarding Karl Prefi, Mr. Schwarz (most likely SS Unterscharfuehrer Schwarz) (pp. 101-108); - Testimony of Sam Henry Hoffenberg, a Warsaw Ghetto inmate (pp. 110-120); - Excerpt from page 44 of "Between Tumbling Walls" by Tuwia Borzykowski, 1949 (p. 121); - Testimony of Samuel Gutmann, a Warsaw Ghetto inmate, October 1940-April 1943: life in the Warsaw Ghetto; deportation to the Budzyn labor camp, April 1943; escape from Budzyn (pp. 123-125); - Testimony of Zachary Schwarzberg, a Warsaw Ghetto inmate, September1941-May 1943: life in the Warsaw ghetto; deportation to Majdanek; transfer to the Skarzysko camp; transfer to Buchenwald, where he was liberated; information regarding Klaustermeyer (pp. 127-129); - Testimony of Jack Sherman (Jakob Schermann), a Warsaw Ghetto inmate 1941-1943, liberated in Czestochowa, 17 January 1945, regarding Klaustermeyer and Hantke (pp.131-133); - Testimony of Abram Ziemba, a Warsaw Ghetto inmate until April 1943: life in the Warsw ghetto; deportation to Treblinka; transfer to the Budzyn camp; transfer to Allach bei Dachau, where he was liberated, 30 April 1945, including mention of the following members of the Sicherheitspolizei in Warsaw: Brandt, Klaustermeyer, Plescher (?), and ghetto commissioner Auerswald; mention of an incident in winter 1943 when Klaustermeyer shot Chaim Laib Kraell in the back (pp. 135-138); - Testimony of Jacob Rudnianski, who escaped from Lodz to Warsaw in 1939, was an inmate of the Warsaw Ghetto inmate, 1940-1943, and escaped from the ghetto with the aid of a German soldier, including mention of Auerswald, Brand(t) and members of the Sicherheitspolizei Brand(t), Klaustermeyer, Ruehrnschopf, Blecher, Mende, Orf, Geibel, Konrad, Schulz, Becker (from Vienna), Hantke or Hundke; the liquidation of the ghetto conducted by Stroop; description of the random pleasure killing carried out by Klaustermeyer against civilians in the ghetto (in French with German translation) (pp. 139-147); - Testimony of Alfred Zimmermann, a Warsaw Ghetto inmate, 1940-1943, regarding Auerswald's choleric behavior and a description of how Auerswald's men from the 8th company (e.g. Bach) deliberately shot women and children on the street; referral to the gendarme Mr. Frieling for corroboration and testimony regarding these events (pp.148-150); - Testimony of Stanislaw Adler, a Warsaw Ghetto inmate who escaped in 1943, regarding his job in 1941 as interviewer of forced laborers by order of the Judenrat; abolition of ritual slaughter by order of General Governor Frank; compulsory labor for 12-60 year old Jews and their severe maltreatment; imprisonment of the lawyer Stanislaw Tylbor; confiscation of Jewish property; a series of arrests of Jews as retaliation for an attack against a German gendarme by the Jew Kot in January 1940; the governor of Warsaw Ludwig Fischer; the mayor of Warsaw Ludwig Leist; Oberscharfuehrer Mende; Untersturmfuehrer Brandt; random killing of Jews by the officer nicknamed "Frankenstein" (Bloesche) in 1941; the typhus epidemic in the winter of 1940-1941; prohibition on waste collection; smuggling of food from outside the ghetto; installation of Auerswald as the new commissioner of the Jewish ghetto; Zellenleieter Goldfeder; physical maltreatment of the Jew Kotek by Auerswald; deportation of the Warsaw Jews, 22 July 1942; Sturmbannfuehrer Hoefle and his aide Michalsen; suicide of Adam Czerniakow; SA member Toebbens; deportation to Treblinka; hiding of approximately 20,000 people in cellars; the extermination process in Treblinka; Klaustermeyer; the random killing of Jews by Gendarme Dirks; the use of lethal gas on transportation trains, as witnessed by caretaker Alter (pp. 152-175); - Official consideration of the facts of the case; deportation from the Warsaw Ghetto, 21 July 1942; SS Sturmbannfuehrer Hoefle; eviction of the patients at the Jewish hospital, 23 July 1942; blackmailing of the Judenrat with the systematic murder of Jews; liquidation of Jews who tried to hide under inflated bowls below the surface of the water in a flooded cellar by Hoefle; murder of 4,674 persons, including women and children in 115 villages which was termed "pacification"; "Aktion Erntefest" (Harvest Festival Operation at Majdanek), 03 November 1943; Hoefle's plea of not guilty; investigation and request from the Salzburg Court to the Hamburg Court to indict the witness Georg Michalsen (pp. 176-185); - Testimony of Georg Michalsen regarding Hermann Hoefle (pp. 186-187); - Testimony of Stephan Wild, a member of the SS in the Warsaw Ghetto, August 1941-06 January 1942, regarding self-wounding in order to escape military services, Mathiesen, SS member Franz Dusha, Rottenfuehrer Erwin Voigt, the very "open relationship" and "amicable atmosphere" with the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto, and the fact that he did not witness mass executions of Jews (pp. 188-197); - Official correspondence of State Prosecutor Dr. Adolf Kloeckner regarding Klaustermeyer and potential witnesses (pp. 198-202); - Article from the Polish newspaper "Kulisy" regarding the use of the Bristol Hotel in Warsaw by the German occupation authorities (in Polish with German translation) (pp. 203-204); - Note regarding material copncerning Klaustermeyer, Katz and Lewandowski in the archive of the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw (p. 205); - Excerpts from the Book of Testimonies, "Judenausrottung in Polen-Warschau" (Extermination of Jews in Poland- Warsaw", published in Geneva, 1945, regarding Klaustermeyer (pp. 207-211); - Excerpt regarding Klaustermeyer from the testimonies of Jewish survivors (in Polish with German translation) (pp. 213-219); - Article from the Polish newspaper, "Gazeta ludowa", regarding Klaustermeyer and the Pawiak prison (in Polish with German translation) (pp. 221-222); - Document from the Office of the State Prosecutor in Hamburg regarding identification of perpetrators and potential witnesses in the trial of Dr. Hahn (pp. 224-226); - Testimony of Jewish survivor Irena Rojek regarding Klaustermeyer (pp. 230-234); - Testimony of Jewish survivor Rachel Freifeld regarding the Warsaw Ghetto (pp. 235-236); - Testimony of Jewish survivor Chana Wimer regarding Michalsen and Hantke (pp. 237-242); - Testimony of Jewish survivor Julian Daszewski regarding Klaustermeyer (pp. 243-245, 262-266); - Testimony of Jewish survivor Jakow Rosen regarding Klaustermeyer (pp. 246-247); - Testimony of Jewish survivor Zwi Wolfenfeld regarding Klaustermeyer (pp. 248-249); - Testimony of Jewish survivor Mieczyslaw Gorski (Mojzesz Gorny) regarding Hantke (pp. 250-251); - Testimony of Jewish survivor Henryk Borman regarding Hantke (pp. 252-257); - Testimony of Jewish survivor Halina Borman regarding Hantke (pp. 258-261); - Testimony of Jewish survivor Jehoschua Toporek regarding Hantke and other Nazi criminals active in the Warsaw Ghetto (pp. 267-271).
item Id
Type of material
Legal documentation
Names of perpetrators
Official documentation
File Number
Record Group
TR.21 - Trial documentation - Austria
Archival Signature
25VR 3123/71 (former 27cVR 852/62), Band 9
Location of Originals
Connected to Item
Documentation from a trial conducted against Ernst Lerch and other Austrian war criminals from the SSPF headquarters in Lublin, who participated in "Aktion Reinhardt"
Yad Vashem Document Collection, Moshal Repository