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Collection of the Department for Relief to Refugees from Germany in The Hague, the Netherlands, 1938-1942

Collection of the Department for Relief to Refugees from Germany in The Hague, the Netherlands, 1938-1942 Collection of the Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken: Zorg voor de Vluchtelingen uit Duitsland (Department for Relief to Refugees from Germany of the Ministry of the Interior of the Netherlands), 1938-1942; thousands of refugees from Germany began to arrive to the Netherlands starting in 1933; the Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands established approximately 60 refugee camps, including the Hotel-Lloyd and the Zeeburgerdijk isolation institution in Amsterdam, the Koninginnehoofd and the Beneden-Heyplaat isolation institution in Rotterdam; the Centrale Commissie voor het Vluchtelingenvraagstuk (central committee for refugee matters) was established in January 1939; the refugees were divided into two groups: legal and illegal; the policy of the authorities was in accordance: the Ministry of Justice blocked the entrance of illegal refugees, and the Ministry of the Interior handled the welfare of the legal refugees; some of the expenses were financed by private funds such as the Comité voor Bijzondere Joodsche Belangen, under the administration of A. Asscher and Professor Dr. D. Cohen; het Protestantsche Hulpcomité voor uitgewekenen om Ras of Geloof, under the administration of Professor Mr. V. H. Rutgers; and het Katholiek Comité voor Slachtoffers van Geloofsvervolging, under the administration of ir. M.C.E. Bongaerts; Westerbork camp was established during the same year in order to absorb the Jewish refugees; following the German occupation of the Netherlands, the relief organizations were dismantled; the subject of the refugees was handled by the Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands until October 1942; Included in the collection: Legal documentation, official documentation regarding the Emmastad grant, stipends to refugees, current expenses, administrative directives, administrative documentation, accounts, reports, financial reports regarding the construction of refugee camps - including the management of manpower in the camps, work diaries from 1939-1940, and personal diaries written by refugees from Germany; Reports and documents regarding the work of relief workers and registration of refugees; Documents regarding the Population Census in the Netherlands; Protocols of the Centrale Cie, regarding refugees; Documents of the Jewish committee, Comite Bijzondere Joodse Belangen Amsterdam; Articles published in the press, regarding the situation in the refugee camps in the Netherlands; Article regarding the Jewish influence on the literature in Western Europe; Statistical reports and other reports regarding Jewish refugees, 1939-1940; Articles regarding the establishment of a department for child isolation in refugee camps; Administrative documentation regarding the refugee camps; Articles regarding the establishment of Westerbork camp, including its plan and instructions for the population of the camp; Medical reports, and an admissions diary from Westerbork; Documents regarding the evacuation of Westerbork in the case of an emergency; Documents regarding the administration of Westerbork camp, including Bondy and the matter of education; Documentation regarding the handling of illegal refugees in 1938; Documentation regarding the housing/education of children designated for aliya to Eretz Israel; Documents regarding a donation from the Protestant community in Amsterdam; Documentation regarding the emotional care received by refugees; Documentation regarding the setting sail of the "Dora" refugees ship; Documentation regarding the obligation on released political prisoners for [maintenance of] silence, and the censorship of letters sent from the refugee camps; Documents regarding mixed marriages; Administrative documentation of refugees, arranged in alphabetical order, 1938-1940; Entrance visas for refugees, 1938-1939; Personal documentation of refugees, including among others in Reuver camp, 1939; Administrative documentation of the Lloyd Hotel/ Oostelijke Handelskade refugee camp, 1939-1940; Administrative documentation of the Koninginnehoofd Rotterdam refugee camp.
item Id
Type of material
Official documentation
Record Group
M.68 - Archives in the Netherlands
Date of Creation - earliest
Date of Creation - latest
No. of pages/frames
Archival Signature
Location of Originals
Connected to Item
M.68 - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from archives in the Netherlands, 1930-1950