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Testimony of Shmuel Robachek Meiri, born in Kock, Poland, 1924, regarding his experiences in the Warsaw Ghetto, Kock, in hiding in villages and a forest and in a Red Army brigade

Testimony of Shmuel Robachek Meiri, born in Kock, Poland, 1924, regarding his experiences in the Warsaw Ghetto, Kock, in hiding in villages and a forest and in a Red Army brigade Life before the war; difficulties in earning a livelihood; his father's move to Warsaw, 1930; family joins his father in Warsaw; Poalei Zion Left activities; sports activities; arrival of refugees from Germany, 1938; relations between Poles and Jews; displays of antisemitism. Outbreak of the war, 1939; draft of his brother into the Polish Army; his brother is taken into captivity; escape of his brother and his murder in Treblinka; sealing of the ghetto, December 1940; his father's death; family escapes to Kock; move to a village; hidden by a Polish farmer; labor as a shepherd; in hiding in a cellar; escape and life in hiding on a farm; gathers weapons; in hiding in a forest; his sister is hidden by a Polish farmer; acts of revenge against informers; meets Red Army soldiers; joins a Red Army brigade under the command of a Jewish officer; liberation. Move to western Poland; enlists in the Polish Army; visit in Majdanek; reunion with his sister; service in the Polish police; Hashomer Hatzair activities; aliya training in a "kibbutz"; aliya to Eretz Israel, 1946.
item Id
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Kock, Poland
Type of material
Record Group
O.3 - Testimonies Department of the Yad Vashem Archives
Date of Creation - earliest
Date of Creation - latest
Name of Submitter
מאירי רובצק שמואל
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