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O.92 - Kulka-Jaeckel Collection: Nazi reports regarding public opinion in Germany

O.92 - Kulka-Jaeckel Collection: Nazi reports regarding public opinion in Germany The Collection includes reports regarding the Stimmungsberichte (atmosphere; mood) among the members of SD units, the Gestapo, the Nazi Party and local authorities throughout Germany. The reports in which there is information regarding the Jews served as the basis for the book, "Die Juden in den geheimen NS-Stimmungsberichten 1933-1945" (The Jews in the Secret Nazi Atmosphere Reports, 1933-1945), Kulka, Otto Dov and Jäckel, Eberhard, eds., Droste Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2004. Professor Dov Otto Kulka submitted copies of the reports to the Yad Vashem Archives following the publishing of the book.
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Survey report
Record Group
O.92 - Kulka-Jaeckel Collection: Information about Jews in Nazi reports on German Public Opinion
Name of Submitter
אוטו דב קולקה