Documentation of the German State Ministry for Bohemian and Moravian Affairs (Deutsches Staatsministerium fuer Boehmen und Maehren), Germany, 1938-1945
Documentation of the German State Ministry for Bohemian and Moravian Affairs (Deutsches Staatsministerium fuer Boehmen und Maehren), Germany, 1938-1945
Documentation of the German State Ministry for Bohemian and Moravian Affairs (Deutsches Staatsministerium fuer Boehmen und Maehren), Germany, 1938-1945
The Ministry for Bohemian and Moravian Affairs was established following the occupation of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis and the establishment of the Protectorate on the majority of its territory. Konstantin von Neurath, appointed as Governor of the Protectorate by the German authorities, was, in effect, ousted from his position by Hit...