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Official Archives in Hungary - Card file of names of survivors who returned to Hungary, prepared by DEGOB, 1945-1946

Official Archives in Hungary - Card file of names of survivors who returned to Hungary, prepared by DEGOB, 1945-1946 Card file of names of survivors, prepared by the Jewish relief organization, Deportáltakat Gondozó Országos Bizottság - DEGOB. The organization was established in Hungary immediately after the end of the war. The card file includes data regarding more than 67,500 survivors of concentration camps, various labor camps and survivors of the labor battalions that were active in the context of the Hungarian Army during the war. For additional information regarding the history of the organization, see: - Rita Horváth, A Deportáltakat Gondozó Országos Bizottság története, 1944-1952. [The History of the National Relief Committee for Deportees] MAKOR Magyar Zsidó Levéltári Füzetek vol. 1; Frojimovics Kinga, Toronyi Zsuzsanna (eds.), Budapest: Magyar Zsidó Levéltár, 1997. (Hungarian) - Rita Horváth, “‘A Jewish Historical Commission in Budapest’: The Place of the National Relief Committee for Deportees in Hungary [DEGOB] among the Other Large-Scale Historical-Memorial Projects of She’erit Hapletah After the Holocaust (1945-1948),” in: David Bankier – Dan Michman (eds.), Holocaust Historiography in Context: Emergence, Challenges, Polemics and Achievements. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, New York: Bergham Books, 2008, pp. 475–496.
item Id
Type of material
Card file
Official documentation
File Number
Record Group
M.61 - Official Archives in Hungary
Sub-Record Group
M.61.MZsML - Hungarian Jewish Archives in Budapest
Date of Creation - earliest
Date of Creation - latest
Location of Originals
Magyar Zsidó Múzeum és Levéltár, Budapest, Hungary
Connected to Item
M.61.MZsML - Documentation from the Hungarian Jewish Archives (Magyar Zsidó Múzeum és Levéltár), Budapest, from 1938-1945