P.46- Kaelter Collection: Documentation from the estate of David and Judith (Edith) Kaelter, residents of Germany, who emigrated to Eretz Israel in 1939
P.46- Kaelter Collection: Documentation from the estate of David and Judith (Edith) Kaelter, residents of Germany, who emigrated to Eretz Israel in 1939
P.46- Kaelter Collection: Documentation from the estate of David and Judith (Edith) Kaelter, residents of Germany, who emigrated to Eretz Israel in 1939
David Kaelter served as a teacher in a few Jewish communities in the Saxony region of Germany and subsequently in Berlin. In 1935 he established and administered a Jewish elementary school in Koenigsberg. In 1939, David and Judith (Edith) Kaelter made aliya to Eretz Israel, where David continued in the teaching profession.
The material includes:
- Details regarding David and Judith Kaelter's families (File 1);
- Personal documents belonging to David and Judith Kaelter and their families, including a few rabbis among their relatives (Files 2, 3, 7, 8, 10);
- Documents regarding the professional activities of David Kaelter (File 4);
- Testimony and memorial booklet regarding the Kristallnacht riots (File 5);
- Memoirs and summaries written by David Kaelter regarding his life and the organizations and institutions in which he was active (File 6);
- David Kaelter's professional activities as a teacher in Israel (File 9);
- David Kaelter's works and writings (File 11);
- Newspaper clippings regarding the Kaelter family and the Jews of Koenigsberg and Danzig (File 12);
- Personal and family letters (File 13);
- Letters sent to David and Judith (Edith) Kaelter by friends and family (File 14);
The collection includes photographs as well.