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Memoirs of Mary (Wrzos) Seidenwurm, born in Warsaw, Poland, 1918, regarding her experiences in the Warsaw Ghetto, the Radom Ghetto, Majdanek, the Ostrowiec camp and other places

Memoirs of Mary (Wrzos) Seidenwurm, born in Warsaw, Poland, 1918, regarding her experiences in the Warsaw Ghetto, the Radom Ghetto, Majdanek, the Ostrowiec camp and other places Life in the Warsaw Ghetto; murder of her father Abraham Wrzos, her step-mother and her step-sister (Thea?) in Treblinka; loss of her brothers Max and Joachim, and her husband Michael Seidenwurm; life in the Radom Ghetto; life in Majdanek; life in the Ostrowiec camp; acquaintance with Nuchim Ancer, later her ...