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Testimonies of Antoni?owski [name not fully decipherable] about the Wlodawa ghetto and the Sobibór extermination camp in 1941–1944, of Eda Richtman about deportation from Kraków to Sobibór, of Rubin Floman about various camps, of Jehuda Elberg about the Warsaw ghetto uprising, and of Pinkus about the liquidation of the amp in Poniatowa

Testimonies of Antoni?owski [name not fully decipherable] about the Wlodawa ghetto and the Sobibór extermination camp in 1941–1944, of Eda Richtman about deportation from Kraków to Sobibór, of Rubin Floman about various camps, of Jehuda Elberg about the Warsaw ghetto uprising, and of Pinkus about the liquidation of the amp in Poniatowa. - Testimony of Antoni?owski [name not fully decipherable], a Polish physician from Wlodawa, about the establishment of the Wlodawa ghetto in 1941, c...