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Pre-trial hearings of former employees of the Gestapoleitstelle (Central Office) Berlin for murder (deportation of Jews to extermination camps): Examination of former employees of the Gestapoleitstelle; Testimonies by Jewish survivors from Berlin, 1966 - 1967

Pre-trial hearings of former employees of the Gestapoleitstelle (Central Office) Berlin for murder (deportation of Jews to extermination camps): Examination of former employees of the Gestapoleitstelle; Testimonies by Jewish survivors from Berlin, 1966 - 1967 The file includes i.A.: - Pre-trial hearings of former employees of the Gestapoleitstelle as witnesses: Eugen Wörner (pp. 1-2), Irmgard Goldkuhle (pp. 27-29), Karl-Heinz August (pp. 33-37) (here: information on the act o...