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Trial against employees of the Gestapoleitstelle (Central Office) Berlin: Pre-trial hearings of former employees of the Gestapoleitstelle Berlin; Lists of names of former employees of the Gestapoleitstelle, whose fate after World War II was not defintivly cleared, 1966

Trial against employees of the Gestapoleitstelle (Central Office) Berlin: Pre-trial hearings of former employees of the Gestapoleitstelle Berlin; Lists of names of former employees of the Gestapoleitstelle, whose fate after World War II was not defintivly cleared, 1966 The file includes i. A.: - Pre-trial hearings of accused former employees of the Gestapoleitstelle (Central Office): Herbert Titze, Karl Staatz (pp. 5-21), Gerhard Schmidt, Max Schmidt (pp. 24-42), Hans-Günther...