M.46 - Documentation from the State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF), 1939-1960
M.46 - Documentation from the State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF), 1939-1960
M.46- Documentation from the State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF), 1939-1960
In the RG there is documentation from the following organizations:
- The Council for Religious Affairs of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union, 1943-1953, and the Council for Religious Affairs of the Government of the Soviet Union, 1943-1954
The documentation includes protocols, official correspondence and reports concerning religious life and the Soviet Jewish communities during the war and afterwards, the fate of the Jews during the Holocaust, statistical data regarding the Jewish population and the Jewish communities and the antisemitic policy in the Soviet Union;
-TASS (the Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union), 1939-1953
The documentation includes newspaper articles and transcripts of radio broadcasts from radio stations in the West regarding the condition of the Jews of Europe and the Soviet Union during the war, statistical data concerning the Nazi victims, documentation from the Nuremberg Trials, documentation regarding riots in postwar Poland and documentation concerning the Soviet position regarding the establishment of the State of Israel;
- Sovinformburo (the Soviet Information Office), 1941-1945
The documentation includes data regarding Nazi war crimes in the occupied areas of the Soviet Union and documentation concerning the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (EAK);
- Censorship (The Main Administration for Safeguarding State Secrets in Literature and the Press), 1939-1952
Documentation regarding the antisemitic policy of the Soviet government in the areas of culture and the Jewish religion;
- The Supreme Council of the Soviet Union, 1939-1953
The documentation includes correspondence regarding the revocation of Soviet citizenship of Jews making aliya to Eretz Israel or returning to European countries in accordance with international agreements, as well as letters and complaints regarding antisemitism in the Soviet Union;
- The State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union for Television and Radio
The documentation also includes a transcript of a speech by Solomon Mikhoels, EAK Chairman, at the Conference of Representatives of the Jewish People, 24 May 1942;
- The Executive Committee of the League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in the Soviet Union, 1939-1945
The documentation includes official correspondence, surveys, publications regarding Nazi war crimes in occupied Europe and the Soviet Union, discussion concerning the treatment of POWs and information regarding the condition of the Jews in Carpathian Ruthenia towards the end of the war;
- SovNarKom (The Council of People's Commissars of the Soviet Union Office for Population Evacuation), 1941-1944
The documentation includes orders and directives regarding the evacuation of the population - priorities, plans, reports regarding transfer of the population and resettlement, reports concerning registration of the evacuees; there are also monthly and yearly statistical data concerning the evacuees including the number of Jews and their proportion within the total number of evacuees;
- Main Office of Emigration of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Federation (RSFSR), 1942-1946
Administrative documentation regarding organizing the population evacuated from occupied areas in the Soviet Union and how to handle them; there is also documentation regarding re-evacuation of Soviet citizens as well as repatriation of the foreign deportees towards the end of the war and afterwards.
In the collection there are lists of names of evacuees, compiled 1942-1944, listed with their nationality and place of residence before the war; lists of orphanages, lists of Polish citizens including the names of the Jews who returned to Poland in accordance with the 1946 agreement between the Soviet Union and Poland, with statistical data on these subjects;
-The Committee for Polish Children in the Soviet Union, 1943-1947
Documentation regarding activities of children's organizations on behalf of Polish citizens, including Jews who were deported to areas of the Soviet Union early in the war and their repatriation documents, the establishment of the committee and its activity, statistical data regarding the children by nationality, lists of the names of the children from the orphanages, lists regarding their repatriation and declarations by the Jewish children on this subject. There is also statistical data regarding the committee;
- Executive Committee of the NKVD, GULag (Chief Administration of Corrective Labor Camps for Re-education), the Special Fourth Department, resettlement as part of forced labor, 1939-1942
The documentation includes official correspondence regarding deportation of Polish citizens to Soviet areas including Jews from Soviet occupied areas of Poland, directives for transferring the "special deportees" (the Polish deportees) and scattering them, reports regarding their living conditions and using them for forced labor, lists of the names of the "special deportees", along with their professions, displays of verbal antisemitism among the German "special deportees";
- Documentation from the Nuremberg Trials, 1936-1945
Official documentation, newspaper clippings, investigative reports regarding the antisemitic policies of the Third Reich and murder of Jews. The documentation was collected in preparation for the Nuremberg Trials and includes documentation from the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the occupied area of the Soviet Union (ChGK), and publications and files regarding the murder of the Jews of Poland and various European countries;
- The Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the Soviet Union (EAK), 1941-1948
Photographs collected mainly for the EAK newspaper, "Einigkeit", although most of them were not published;
- A collection of photographs prepared mainly for the EAK newspaper, "Einigkeit", although most of them were not published
The documentation includes photographs of the EAK leaders and workers in the Jewish Anti-Fascist movements in other countries; photographs of Jewish soldiers and Soviet partisans; photographs from the Holocaust period taken in areas of Europe and the Soviet Union, including deportation of Jews, ghettos, riots, camps, murder, murdered Jews, ghetto and underground fighters, survivors (among them Sobibor survivors) and more; additionally, there are photographs of Soviet Jewish children in orphanages after the war;
- The Main Office of the Militia of the Ministry of the Interior of the Soviet Union
Documentation regarding the return of Polish citizens to Poland, including Jews from the Soviet Union, in accordance with agreements signed between the Soviet Union and Poland, 06 July 1947-the 1950s
The documentation includes agreements, laws and regulations, directives, appeals and complaints of citizens with official answers, questionnaires, lists, correspondence, statistical data, reports, surveys and the repatriation of Romanian citizens.