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TR.13 - Documentation of the UN Committee about War Crimes

TR.13 - Documentation of the UN Committee about War Crimes This Record Group contains documentation created by the UN Committee about War Crimes, 1944-1949. The job of the Committee was to assist the various governments in bringing World War II war criminals to trial by collecting documentation, conducting investigations and giving legal counsel. The Record Group reflects the work of the Committee and its sub-committees and includes protocols and reports of the committees' meetings, documentation collected by the Committee and reports regarding the trials of war criminals held in the various countries. There is a catalogue in English attached to the Record Group describing the contents of the various files in the Record group. The Record Group also contains lists of the names of war criminals from various countries. The names in the lists are also indexed by country of origin. The index is located in the Microfilm Collection column and search aids are attached.
item Id
Type of material
Record Group
TR.13 - The UN Committee about War Crimes
Date of Creation - earliest
Date of Creation - latest
Name of Submitter
UN War Crimes Commission