R.4 - Documentation from Economic Archives in Germany, 1933-1945
R.4 - Documentation from Economic Archives in Germany, 1933-1945
R.4 - Documentation from Economic Archives in Germany, 1933-1945
In the Collection there is documentation regarding the confiscation of Jewish property including:
- Documentation from Wirtschaftsarchiv Baden-Wuertemberg containing correspondence regarding the Aryanization of Jewish shops and companies, and directives from the Finanzministerium (Finance ministry) regarding the distancing of Jews from economic life;
- Documentation from the Oberfinanzdirektion Berlin (Financial Directorate in Berlin) regarding Jewish property, including a list of Jews expelled from their homes, property and tax files of Jews, directives and regulations regarding Jewish property;
- Finance Ministry protocol regarding the eradication of Jewish property files, 28 January 1945.