TR.3 - Documentation collected in preparation for the Eichmann Trial, 1933-1962
TR.3 - Documentation collected in preparation for the Eichmann Trial, 1933-1962
TR.3 - Documentation collected in preparation for the Eichmann Trial, 1933-1962
The Mossad (Israel Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations) discovered where Adolf Eichmann was residing in Argentina while using a false identity. Eichmann was captured and brought to Israel in early 1960. His trial, which was held in Beit Ha'am in Jerusalem [today, the Gerard Behar Center building], began in April 1961. The trial lasted for approximately three months, and Eichmann was subsequently sentenced to death for his part in the murder of the Jews of Europe. Eichmann submitted an appeal to the Israel Supreme Court, but his appeal was denied. He submitted a request for clemency to the President of the State of Israel, and this appeal was also rejected. Adolf Eichmann was executed by hanging in the Ramla Jail in early 1962. His body was cremated and the ashes were scattered in the Mediterranean Sea.
The original documentation of the Eichmann Trial was placed in the Archives of the State of Israel, and the Yad Vashem Archives were given copies of most of the documentation.
The Office of the Attorney General was responsible for preparing the indictment against Eichmann, and the special Israel Police task force for dealing with Nazi war crimes, known as Bureau 06, was given the responsibility for the preparation of the foundation of evidence. During the months that preceded the Eichmann Trial, the 06 unit addressed itself to several main tasks, including the collection of documentation that could contribute to the conviction of Eichmann.
The Bureau 06 investigators gathered the material from documentation from the Nuremberg Trials, from German Foreign Ministry documents, and from other sources. Due to this fact, the collection also contains documents from other sources. There are also original documents such as opinions collected in anticipation of the trial regarding Eichmann's activities, and protocols of testimonies recorded by the Bureau 06 investigators.
The TR.3 Record Group contains approximately 1,700 documents. In general, most of the material consists of copies made on copying machines, with the Bureau 06 Unit logo appearing next to the consecutive number of the document within the 06 material at the top of each page. The documents have been filed in the Yad Vashem Archive according to these numbers, such that 06 Unit Document 182 appears as File Number TR. 3-182.
There is no differentiation between files and documents within the TR.3 Record Group; each document was filed in a separate file in the 06 Unit. According to this filing system, every file in the Record Group is a document.
Most of the documentation is written in German, with a small number of documents in other languages, including Hebrew. Some of the documents were translated into Hebrew during the trial, and these documents are also part of the Record Group. The 06 investigators prepared a detailed catalogue with a description of each document, except for several dozen documents which were apparently received late in the trial.
These descriptions serve as a basis for the Yad Vashem Archives cataloging