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O.29.3 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Belgium mainly during the Holocaust period

O.29.3 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Belgium mainly during the Holocaust period In the Record Group there is documentation that was submitted to Yad Vashem by private people including personal documents from the war period, lists of various kinds, letters and other types of documentation reflecting Jewish life in Belgium and the persecution of the Jews during the Holocaust period. In the Record Group there is documentation regarding the rescue of Jews, the Belgian underground and participation of Jews in the underground, activities of the Association des Juifs en Belgique (AJB - Association of Jews in Belgium) as well as documentation regarding the Mechlen transit camp. Some of the documentation in this Record Group was submitted by Serge and Beate Klarsfeld.
item Id
Record Group
O.29 - Belgium Collection
Sub-Record Group
O.29.3 - תיעוד על יהודי בלגיה בעיקר בתקופת השואה
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O.29 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Belgium during the Holocaust period