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Trial against employees of the Gestapoleitstelle (Central Office) Berlin: Documentation concerning the concentration camp Theresienstadt and investigation of it's commandant Dr. Siegfried Seidl, 1962 - 1966

Trial against employees of the Gestapoleitstelle (Central Office) Berlin: Documentation concerning the concentration camp Theresienstadt and investigation of it's commandant Dr. Siegfried Seidl, 1962 - 1966 Collection by Dr. Max Plaut: "Jews in Germany 1939-1941" (pp. 2 - 18); Testimony before IMT III byf the Jewish physician Dr. Wilhelm Rosenau, director of the central Jewish psychiatric hospital in Bendorf-Sayn in 1940 - 1942 (pp. 19 - 22); Investigation...
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TR.19 - Documentation from the Trial of Bovensiepen and others
Date of Creation - earliest
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TR. 19: Documentation from the Trial against Bovensiepen and others