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Testimony of Benjamin Borba, born in Tripoli, Libya, 1931, regarding his deportation to Italy and transfer to the Bergen-Belsen camp

Testimony of Benjamin Borba, born in Tripoli, Libya, 1931, regarding his deportation to Italy and transfer to the Bergen-Belsen camp Family background; his family with British citizenship; studies in an Italian school; studies in Talmud Torah; anti-Semitism by Italian fascists before the war; Mussolini speeches against Jews. The outbreak of war; the bombings; concentration of Jews by the Germans in a school; stay about 3 days at the school; deportation to port and boarding a ship; arrival to Napoli; robbery of property at the train station; ride by train to Firenze, the end of 1941; deportation to Villa La Selva; taking the women and children in trucks to a monastery in the mountains; transfer to a camp in the town of Camerino; food shortages; entry of German soldiers into the town; activities of Italian partisans against German soldiers; deportation by bus to the Forsa costa camp, 1942; transfer to Modena; arrival to a concentration camp; yellow badges; Fossoli concentration camp; stay about 3 weeks; deportation of British nationals by train to Bergen Belsen, late 1943; the camp; formations; Bar Mitzvah celebration in the camp; hunger; transfer to the Biberach camp in Hamburg, where English POWs are staying; improvement in conditions; the bombings. The end of the war; transfer to a DP camp in Bari; transfer to Napoli; transfer by ship back to Libya; the house is destroyed; life after the war; riots against Jews in Tripoli; joining scouts; various attempts at aliyah B and failure; aliya to Israel, May 1949.
item Id
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Tripoli, Libya
Type of material
Record Group
O.3 - Testimonies Department of the Yad Vashem Archives
Name of Submitter
בורבאה בנימין
Location of Originals
Yad Vashem Archives
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O.3 - Testimonies gathered by Yad Vashem
Form of Testimony