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Testimony of Jonasz Stern, born in Kalusz, Poland, 1904, regarding his experiences in the Lwow Ghetto, his rescue from killing pits during the liquidation of the Lwow Ghetto, in hiding, in Budapest, in Romania and in other places

Testimony of Jonasz Stern, born in Kalusz, Poland, 1904, regarding his experiences in the Lwow Ghetto, his rescue from shooting in killing pits during the liquidation of the Lwow Ghetto, in hiding, in Budapest, in Romania, and in other places Escape from Krakow to Lwow with his wife, at the outbreak of the war; move from apartment to apartment, after the occupation of Lwow; deportation to the Lwow Ghetto, November 1941; Lwow Ghetto life including overcrowding, hunger and the lack of...