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Documentation regarding the German occupation of the Netherlands, in particular regarding the persecution of the Jews in the occupied Netherlands, their concentration and eventual deportation to extermination camps in the East, 1940-1945, and partial postwar documentation regarding the investigation of Nazi war crimes in the Netherlands, 1945-1966

Documentation regarding the German occupation of the Netherlands, in particular regarding the persecution of the Jews in the occupied Netherlands, their concentration and eventual deportation to extermination camps in the East, 1940-1945, and partial postwar documentation regarding the investigation of Nazi war crimes in the Netherlands, 1945-1966 Included in the file: Part One: 03/02/1942 Circular by the Commander of the Security Police and the SD in the Netherlands, Wilhelm Harster, concerning the competences in Jewish questions, including the transfer of competences to the "Central Office for Jewish Emigration" in Amsterdam, in particular regarding the "Final solution of the Jewish question", such as the preparation of deportations to the East; (pp. 2-3); 08/06/1942 Experience report prepared by SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf, Commander of the SD in The Hague, regarding the implementation of the yellow badge for Jews, in particular concerning the reactions of the Dutch population; report about further planned anti-Jewish decrees and measures; report in French (p. 4); translated to German (p. 5); 18/01/1943 Circular concerning Jews employed in the weapons industry, regarding: "1) the need for Jewish craftsmen in the Netherlands, according to the weapons inspectorate,...altogether 795 Jews...; 2) the Four-Year Plan authority employs 300 Jewish diamond cutters and 450 Jewish businessmen..." (p. 6); 22/03/1943 Letter addressed to the administration of the transit camp for Jews in Westerbork and the Central Office for Jewish Emigration in Amsterdam, concerning a list of 179 German Jewish veterans of World War I who should not be deported to Theresienstadt, but should be sent to the East for labor assignments; (p. 7); 05/04/1943 Note regarding the review of the lists of protected Dutch Jews; (p. 8); 15/04/1943 Report regarding: - A telex addressed to RSHA Department IV B 4 in Berlin, concerning the deportation of Jews from Amsterdam to Theresienstadt scheduled for 21/04/1943; "... for propaganda reasons, the deportation is planned in passenger compartments, which are attached to a regular passenger train..."; - "... 528 protected Dutch Jews, who meanwhile should stay in Barneveld ..."; "... the deportation of another 25,000 Jews from Amsterdam, from the province[s] and from camps had to be postponed, including 13,000 Jews in administrative positions and their families, 5,500 Jewish workers in the weapons industry and their families, 1,600 Jews of Protestant faith, 1,000 cases of unclear origin and 2,000 essential workers in the camp ..."; - "... the Herzogenbusch concentration camp in Vught should be replenished due to the establishment of an ammunitions factory that is planned in the camp - "...The 10,000-15,000 Jews on the run could be taken away only slowly, despite intensive searches and bounties [offered] ..."; (pp. 9-10); 27/04/1943 Letter addressed to RSHA Department IV B 4 in Berlin, concerning the acquisition of citizenship of a neutral state (such as Spain or Portugal) by stateless Jews or Dutch Jews; (p. 11); 29/04/1943 Note concerning the removal of the Jews from the Dutch public, in particular from Amsterdam, as well as from the province[s]; for example, by their concentration in camps; (pp. 12-13); 10/05/1943 Telex addressed to Westerbork transit camp concerning an order by the RSHA (Reichs-Sicherheits-Hauptamt) to deport 8,000 Jews in May 1943; "... on 04/05/1943, 1,200 Jews were already deported, 1,450 Jews from Vught were ready for deportation as of 01/05/1943, another 1,630 Jews were ready for deportation in Westerbork camp and due to the actual bounties, about 1,500 Jews were expected to arrive to Westerbork camp until late May, meaning a total of 5,780 Jews; thus, there actually is a lack of 2,200 Jews who had to be deported until the end of May..."; (pp. 14-15); 18/05/1943 Minutes of a meeting held at a conference in the Central Office for Jewish Emigration in Amsterdam, concerning the legal status and handling of Jews of Protestant faith and Jews in mixed marriages, for example, "... the suggestion regarding the legal status of sterilized Jews: sterilized Jews may enjoy a certain commercial freedom, if he voluntarily asked for his sterilization..."; "...Jews of Protestant faith with a Jewish spouse have to present themselves in Westerbork until 20/05/1943...Protestant Jews in mixed marriages with children may stay in their residence...Protestant Jews in mixed marriages without children have to present themselves in Westerbork, where they will be located in special barracks..."; (pp. 16-19); 18/05/1943 Note concerning the handling of Jews of Protestant faith in the Netherlands; (p. 20); 18/05/1943 Note concerning the sterilization of Jewish women in the Netherlands; (p. 21); 24/06/1943 Note concerning a suggestion by SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Hanns Albin Rauter, regarding a stratagem to capture the 20,000 Dutch Jews who are on the run; (p. 22); 25/06/1943 Note regarding the minutes of a meeting of SS-Officers, concerning the replenishment of the following deportation trains to the East, in particular with: 6,000 Jews from Westerbork camp, 1,000 Jews from Vught camp, 2,000 Jews from Amsterdam, and another 50 Jews taken (on the run) from the province[s]; these Jews were to be deported to the East, scheduled as follows: each group is to contain 2,250 Jews; the groups are to be deported on: 29/06/1943, 06/07/1943, 13/07/1943, 20/07/1943 and possibly, 27/07/1943; (pp. 23-24); 25/06/1943 Note regarding the minutes of a meeting of SS-Officers concerning the demand of SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Rauter; "...Vught camp is not to be kept as a permanent concentration camp for Jews; the Jewish prisoners should be deported to the East as soon as possible; therefore, a number of preparatory measures should already be taken..."; (pp. 25-26); 25/06/1943 Note with minutes of a meeting of SS-Officers concerning measures to obtain the trust of the Dutch Jews; (pp. 27-28); 25/06/1943 Note with minutes of a meeting of SS-Officers concerning of the handling of Jews of mixed marriages; (pp. 29-32); 20/09/1943 Telex addressed to Adolf Eichmann in the RSHA in Berlin, concerning a Jewish essential skilled worker in Vught camp; (p. 33); 20/09/1943 Note concerning the labor employment of Jews of mixed marriages; (pp. 34-36); 21/09/1943 Note regarding signs concerning bans concerning the Jews; "...until the Jews are completely removed from the public, the prohibition signs for Jews still need to be kept...regarding the great number of Jews on the run, the prohibition signs help to raise public awareness of that problem..."; (p. 37); 21/09/1943 Note regarding the planned deportation of 5,000 deferred Jews from the Netherlands (mainly from Westerbork camp) to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp; (pp. 38-39); 11/11/1943 Note regarding minutes of a meeting of SS-Officers, including Adolf Eichmann, concerning the handling of Jewish diamond dealers and diamond cutters; (pp. 40-41); 17/01/1943 Telex addressed to Gestapo in Prague, concerning the deportation of 1,000 Jews from Westerbork camp to Theresienstadt, scheduled for 18/01/1944; (p. 42); 24/01/1944 Letter addressed to the Theresienstadt camp administration concerning the deportation of 870 Jews from Westerbork camp to Theresienstadt on 18/01/1944; (pp. 43-44); 26/01/1944 Request addressed to the Central Office for Jewish Emigration in Amsterdam, concerning the arrest of Jews of Portuguese descent for being at large in Westerbork camp, except for Jews in mixed marriages; (p. 45); 21/02/1944 Note regarding a report concerning the Portuguese Jews in Westerbork camp, according to which the Portuguese (Sephardic) Jews were to be classified as full Jews; their deportation to Theresienstadt is scheduled even during the week in reference; (pp. 46-48); 20/02/1944 Letter by the Supreme SS- and Police Command, concerning the racial evaluation of the Portuguese Jews in Westerbork camp; (p. 49); 05/1930 Pre-war document in Dutch; (p. 50); 28/02/1944 Minutes of an official meeting between SS-Commanders and the Reichs Commissioner concerning the question of the handling of Jewish mixed marriages in the Netherlands; (pp. 51-53); 07/03/1944 Letter addressed to the commander of Theresienstadt camp, Anton Burger, concerning the deportation transport of 811 Jews from Westerbork camp to Theresienstadt on 25/02/1944; (pp. 54-55); 16/03/1944 Telex addressed to the Commando of Westerbork camp concerning a list of Turkish Jews, whose Turkish citizenship is not approved or was withdrawn [revocated], according to information of the Turkish Embassy in Berlin and/or the Turkish Consulate General in Hamburg; "...these Jews were to be treated as stateless, and should be deported soon as laborers to the East..."; the list contains a total of 24 names of Jews; (pp. 56-57); 04/04/1944 Note regarding an official meeting between SS-Commanders and the Reichs Commissioner, 04/04/1944, concerning the handling of Jews of mixed marriages; (pp. 58-60); 14/06/1944 Memo addressed to the SS- Economic and Administrative Main Office concerning Jewish diamond cutters; (p. 61); 15/06/1944 General report addressed to SS-Brigadefuehrer Karl Eberhard Schoengarth, regarding the "de- Jewification" of the Netherlands, in particular concerning the: 1.) description of the Jewish problem in the Netherlands, 2.) measures against full Jews, 3.) resistance against the German measures and the escape of Jews, 4.) handling of Jewish mixed marriages, 5.) in the "de-Jewification" departments involved: " to small numbers of expulsions of Jews back to their countries of origin, since 1942, ongoing deportations to the places designated by the Reichsfuehrer-SS were carried out. For this purpose, Westerbork transit camp was established..."; " one of the larger capture operations, 13,000 Jews from all parts of the Netherlands were arrested..."; "...the number of "Aryan" Dutch people who are helping Jews on the run is considerable..."; (pp. 62-71); 24/07/1944 Telex addressed to the Commando of Westerbork camp, concerning a list of Turkish Jews, whose Turkish citizenship is not approved, according to information of the Turkish Consulate General in Hamburg; "...these Jews were to be treated as stateless, and should be deported soon as laborers to the East..."; the list contains a total of seven names of Jews; (p. 72); 14/08/1944 Note regarding the review by experts in cases of doubt and or cases of deceit, concerning racial origin; (pp. 73-76); 27/09/1944 Letter addressed to the Chief of the Central Office for Race and Resettlement, concerning the relocation of documents; (p. 77); 29/04/1949 Excerpts from an interrogation protocol, regarding the questioning of Ferdinand aus der Fuenten, concerning his role in the Central Office for Jewish Emigration in Amsterdam; (p. 78); 08/10/1948 Excerpts from an interrogation protocol, regarding the investigation of war crimes committed by the former Commander of the Security Police and the SD in the Netherlands, Wilhelm Harster; here, concerning testimonies of witnesses Ferdinand aus der Fuenten, Konrad Albert Gemmeker and of Wilhelm Harster himself; (pp. 79-80); 21/07/1949 Excerpts from an interrogation protocol regarding the investigation of war crimes; here: Questioning of witness Professor Dr. D. Cohen before the Amsterdam Special Court; (p. 81); 21/07/1949 Excerpts from an interrogation protocol regarding the investigation of war crimes; here: Questioning of witness Ferdinand aus der Fuenten before the Amsterdam Special Court (First Chamber); (p. 82); 04/06/1948 Excerpts from an interrogation protocol regarding the investigation of war crimes; here: Questioning of witness Konrad Albert Gemmeker before the Police Department for War Crimes in Assen (the Netherlands); (p. 83); 04/06/1948 Excerpts from an interrogation protocol regarding the investigation of war crimes, by the Police Department for War Crimes in Assen (the Netherlands); in particular, the questioning of the following witnesses: Kurt Schlezinger, Elisabeth Meyerfeld (a Jewish survivor), Hans Simon Ottenstein (a Jewish survivor), Alexander Hollander (a Jewish survivor), Lotte Fuchs (a Jewish survivor), Wilhelm Harster and Konrad Albert Gemmeker, in connection with the deportations of Jews from the Netherlands to concentration and death camps; (pp. 84-91); 14/05/1948 Excerpts from an interrogation protocol by the Police Department for war crimes in The Hague, concerning war crimes committed by former SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Franz Fischer; here, the questioning of witnesses: Willy Lages, Wilhelm Harster, Fritz Ernst Wilhelm Koch, Joseph Franciscus Kling and Franz Fischer himself; (pp. 92-96); 10/05/1949 Excerpts from an interrogation protocol regarding the investigation of war crimes; here, the questioning of Willy Lages before the Amsterdam Special Court; (pp. 97-98); 20/11/1959 Excerpts from the publication "Thoughts and Remarks on the Chronicle of the Jewish Persecution", from the book series: "Oppression and Resistance"; (p. 99); 05/10/1949 Excerpts from an interrogation protocol by the Amsterdam Special Court concerning war crimes committed by former SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer Ferdinand aus der Fuenten; here, the questioning of the accused, Ferdinand aus der Fuenten; (pp. 100-101); 17/04/1949 Excerpts from an interrogation protocol by the Amsterdam Special Court concerning war crimes committed by former SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Willy Lages; here, the questioning of a witness and the former superior commander of the accused, Wilhelm Harster; (pp. 102-103); 25/04/1949 Excerpts from an interrogation protocol by the Amsterdam Special Court concerning war crimes committed by former SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Willy Lages; here, the questioning of witness Herbert Woelk; (pp. 104-105); 14/12/1949 Excerpts from an interrogation protocol by the Amsterdam Special Court concerning war crimes committed by former SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer Ferdinand aus der Fuenten; here: Questioning of witness Willy Lages; (pp. 106-107); 28/09/1949 - 05/10/1949 Excerpts from interrogation protocols by the Amsterdam Special Court concerning war crimes; here, the deportation of 1,200 Jewish mental patients from Apeldoorn (the Netherlands) to Auschwitz; questioning of the accused, Ferdinand aus der Fuenten and Konrad Albert Gemmeker; (pp. 108-115); 13/12/1949 Excerpts from an interrogation protocol by the Amsterdam Special Court, concerning war crimes committed by former SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer Ferdinand aus der Fuenten; here, in connection with the deportation of 1,200 Jewish mental patients from a mental hospital in Apeldoorn to Auschwitz; questioning of witnesses N. Speijer, K. Bloothoofd, Konrad Albert Gemmeker and the accused, Ferdinand aus der Fuenten himself; (pp. 116-124); 08/02/1949 Excerpts from a letter by B. Kloosterman, a referent of the Ministry of Interior, addressed to the chairman of the Special Court in The Hague, concerning war crimes committed by former SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Franz Fischer; (p. 125); 03/10/1949 Excerpts from an interrogation protocol by the Amsterdam Special Court; here, the questioning of Ferdinand aus der Fuenten; (pp. 126-127); 13/12/1949 Excerpts from an interrogation protocol by the Amsterdam Special Court; here, the questioning of the accused, Ferdinand aus der Fuenten; (pp. 128-129); 12/09/1947 - 18/09/1947 Excerpts from an interrogation protocol regarding the investigation of war crimes; here, the questioning of witness Konrad Albert Gemmeker before the Police Department for War Crimes in Assen, regarding the organization of Westerbork camp; (pp. 130-132); Probably 1961, or later Content list of the collection of evidence concerning the preliminary proceedings by the Public Prosecutor's Office in Munich, against Wilhelm Zoepf, for war crimes, compiled by the Bavarian State Criminal Investigation Office; (pp. 133-136); in particular: 22/03/1961 - 14/01/1963 Evaluation of documentation of the National Institute for War Documentation in Amsterdam; Notes from a chronicle regarding anti-Jewish measures in the Netherlands, 07/1942-07/1944; (pp. 137-138); Notes on police raids and evictions [of patients] from hospitals in Amsterdam, 1942-1944; (pp. 139-140); Documents concerning the proof on the presence of Wilhelm Zoepf in The Hague, 11/1941-08/1944; (pp. 141-147); Evaluation of the archive of RSHA Department IV B 4, in particular regarding deportations to Auschwitz, containing a list of 11 Jews who were designated for deportation to the East; (pp. 148-149); Probably postwar: Collection of excerpts from testimonies regarding the criminal investigations against Ferdinand aus der Fuenten; (pp. 150-151); Notes from various documentation files; (p. 152); Excerpts from minutes of meetings at conferences of the Dutch Secretary-Generals; (p. 152); Notes from war crime procedures in Assen, regarding Westerbork camp; (p. 153); List of documents, reviewed by the National Institute for War Documentation in Amsterdam; (pp. 154-155); 18/11/1960 Copy of the "Decree regarding the yellow badge for the identification [labelling] of Jews in the Netherlands", in connection with war crime investigations against Wilhelm Zoepf; (p. 156); 18/11/1960 Evaluation of the article "Compatriots and Jews" (in Dutch); (p. 157); 23/01/1943 - 27/10/1949 Reports regarding the evacuation of the Jewish mental hospital in Apeldoorn during the night of 21/01/1943 and the ensuing deportation of the patients to Auschwitz-Birkenau; (pp. 158-171); 1949 or later List of documents regarding interrogation protocols concerning investigations of war crimes; (pp. 173-175); 24/01/1946 Protocol of criminal charges by the Bureau for the Investigation of War Crimes in Amsterdam, concerning the report of an offense in context with the evacuation of the Jewish mental hospital in Apeldoorn in January 1943 and the deportation of its 1,200 patients to Auschwitz-Birkenau; (pp. 176-178); 12/02/1946 Protocol of testimony by a former physician at the mental hospital in Apeldoorn, concerning the evacuation of the Jewish mental hospital in Apeldoorn, January 1943, in particular regarding the role of former SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer Ferdinand aus der Fuenten, who led the operation; (pp. 179-182); 26/02/1946 Protocol of testimony by a former physician at the mental hospital in Apeldoorn concerning the evacuation of the Jewish mental hospital in Apeldoorn in January 1943, and in particular, regarding the role of former SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer Ferdinand aus der Fuenten, who led the operation; (pp. 183-184); 29/01/1946 Interrogation protocol by the Bureau for the Investigation of War Crimes in Amsterdam, of the accused former SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer Ferdinand aus der Fuenten, regarding the evacuation of the Jewish mental hospital in Apeldoorn in January 1943; (pp. 185-186); 29/01/1946 Interrogation protocol by the Bureau for the Investigation of War Crimes in Amsterdam, of Konrad Albert Gemmeker, regarding the evacuation of the Jewish mental hospital in Apeldoorn in January 1943; (p. 187); 14/11/1942 Classified letter addressed to the Secretary of State in the Interior Ministry in The Hague, concerning the targeted evacuation of the Jewish mental hospital in Apeldoorn; (pp. 188-189); 05/12/1960 Letter by the Institute for War Documentation, regarding the forwarding of investigation protocols; (p. 190); Probably postwar List of names of people who (most likely) were evacuated from the Jewish mental hospital in Apeldoorn, 22/01/1943, and later deported; the list contains 120 names (but is partially indecipherable); (pp. 192-194); 28/10/1945 Report by the National Institute for War Documentation in The Hague, regarding the deportation of Jews from Westerbork transit camp to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. 09/09/1944; (pp. 195-198); Probably postwar List of names of people who (most likely) were evacuated from the Jewish mental hospital in Apeldoorn, 22/01/1943, and later deported; the list contains 771 names (but is partially indecipherable); (pp. 199-214); 26/01/1946 - 10/09/1946 Reports regarding the evacuation of the Jewish mental hospital in Apeldoorn, 22/01/1943, and the deportation of the 1,200 patients to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where they arrived, 24/01/1943, and who upon their arrival were immediately sent to be gassed; the report contains a list of names of patients who could have escaped from the mental hospital before the evacuation, the list contains six names; (pp. 215-218); 07/02/1946 Testimony of a Dutch survivor, Levie (Louis) Bannet, in particular regarding his detention and experiences in Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, 01/1943-11/1944, and in particular, regarding the Auschwitz orchestra; (pp. 219-224); Probably postwar Excerpt from (most likely) a testimony regarding the persecution of Jews in Romania (from the context); (p. 225); Date unknown - Note on a conference at the RSHA (Reichs-Sicherheits-Hauptamt) on the 28/08/1942, regarding Jewish questions (the copy is barely legible); (p. 227); Date unknown – Circular addressed to SS-Officers, concerning the scheduling and organization of deportation trains (barely legible negative copy); (pp. 228-229); 09/07/1943 Report of a conference at the RSHA (Reichs-Sicherheits-Hauptamt), 01/07/1943- 06/07/1943, regarding questions concerning: Jewish hybrids; Jewish mixed marriages, in particular between German citizens ("Aryans") and Dutch Jews; Latin American passports for Jews, sent from Switzerland to the Netherlands; allocation planning for Theresienstadt and Bergen-Belsen camps; sterilization plans for Jewish spouses in mixed marriages; (pp. 230-235); 20/09/1943 Note on a consultation at the RSHA (Reichs-Sicherheits-Hauptamt), 16/09/1943-17/09/1943, concerning the allocation planning for Bergen-Belsen camp; questions regarding the handling of mixed marriages as well as Jewish hybrids who were married to "Aryans" and the possession of German citizenship; (pp. 236-237); Part Two: 23/09/1943 Circular express letter sent by the Commander of the Security Police and the SD in Berlin, addressed to the local Commanders and higher officers of the SS, SD and Security Police in the occupied territories, concerning the handling of Jews with foreign citizenship in the German sphere of control, in particular; "...Jews of Italian, Swiss, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Hungarian, Romanian and Turkish citizenship, although they cannot be deported yet to the East for reasons of foreign policy, have to be concentrated meanwhile in Buchenwald and Ravensbrueck camps; all male Jews over the age of 14 years in Buchenwald, and the Jewish women and children in Ravensbrueck..."; (pp. 2-6); 16/06/1943 Letter of petition by Michael Sommer, a German expert for the import of metal, addressed to the Supreme SS and Police Commander, SS-Gruppenfuehrer Hanns Albin Rauter in The Hague, with a request to help 11 Jews and their families to emigrate from the German occupied area; the Jews concerned were import specialists, who helped the German weapons industry with the procurement of materials, for example: [the procurement of] approximately 7,000 tons of high quality metals; the list of Jews includes 29 names; (pp. 7-10); 12/07/1943 Statement by the Office of the Plenipotentiary for the Four-Year Plan, addressed to the Supreme SS and Police Commander, SS-Gruppenfuehrer Hanns Albin Rauter in The Hague, regarding the letter of petition by Michael Sommer, dated, 16/06/1943; the statement confirms the information given by Sommer and supports the request to help these Jewish families to emigrate; (pp. 11-12); 23/07/1943 Telex by the Supreme Commander of the Security Police and the SD, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, addressed to the local Commanders of the Security Police and the SD in The Hague, Brussels and Paris, concerning a planned coordinated wave of arrests against Jewish and mixed Jewish members of the "Organization Veltjens", scheduled for 27/07/1943; (pp. 13-14); 23/08/1943 Statement by the Reichs Ministry for Weapons and Ammunition, addressed to the Commander of the Security Police and the SD in The Hague, regarding the letter of petition by Michael Sommer, dated, 16/06/1943; the statement advocates the request to support the Jewish families concerned, but under the condition that they remain accessible for further enquiries; (p. 15); 31/08/1943 Internal note by the RSHA, from department IV B 4 (the so called "Eichmann-Referat") to department III D (Economy department), regarding the letter of petition by Michael Sommer, dated, 16/06/1943; rejection of the Sommer's request, in general; (p. 16); 09/09/1943 Letter by the Commander of the Security Police and the SD in The Hague, addressed to RSHA department IV B 4, regarding the letter of petition by Michael Sommer, dated, 16/06/1943; Sommer was ordered to terminate his activities in the Netherlands and to present himself for compulsory military service; (p. 17); 19/12/1960 Letter by the Netherlands State Institute for War Documentation, addressed to the Public Prosecutor's Office in Munich, regarding statistical data [information] about the so-called privileged or exchange Jews; (pp. 18-19); Illegible document; (p. 20); 13/02/1941 Partially decipherable negative copy of a document, mainly in Dutch, containing a list of 18 names; (pp. 21-23); 27/03/1941 Letter concerning the establishment of an enclosed Jewish quarter in Amsterdam; (p. 24); 1941 Partially decipherable negative copy of a document, in Dutch; (p. 25); Date unknown - Partially decipherable negative copy of a document, (most likely) concerning Jewish questions in the Netherlands; (p. 26); 1941 Letter addressed to the Reichs Commissioner for the Occupied Territories, regarding a draft of a decree concerning the "establishment of a Central Office for Jewish Emigration" for the occupied Netherlands; partially decipherable negative copy; (pp. 27-32); 25/11/1941 Circular letter by the Reichs Commissioner for the Occupied Netherlands, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, concerning measures and decrees aiming at the removal of Jews from public life and the economy in the occupied Netherlands; (pp. 33-35); Probably 1941 Letter by the Commander of the Security Police and the SD in The Hague, addressed to the Commissioner General for Justice and Administration in The Hague, concerning the implementation of the yellow badge for Jews; partially decipherable negative copy; (pp. 36-37); 30/07/1942 Note by the Commander of the Security Police and the SD in The Hague, concerning a meeting regarding the planned deportation of baptized Jews; (p. 38); 25/08/1942 Memo addressed to the Secretary General of the Interior Ministry in The Hague, regarding the handling of cases of lost identity cards for Jews; (pp. 39-40); 23/12/1942 Letter by Reichs Health Leader Leonardo Conti, addressed to the Reichs Commissioner for the Occupied Netherlands, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, with the request to free up, i. e. to evacuate, the Jewish mental hospital in Apeldoorn; (p. 41); 16/08/1942 Telex by the commissioner of the Reich Commissioner for Amsterdam, concerning the planned labor deployment of all male Jews between the ages of 18-60 years; (p. 42); Date unknown - Partially decipherable negative copy of a document; (pp. 43-44); 23/09/1942 Letter addressed to the commissioner of the Reichs Commissioner for Rotterdam, concerning the planned labor deployment of Jews; (p. 45); 05/10/1942 Letter addressed to the Reichs Commissioner for the Occupied Netherlands, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, concerning the labor deployment of Jews; (p. 46); 05/10/1942 Note by Wilhelm Zoepf concerning privileged Jews who could be deported from Westerbork camp to Theresienstadt; (p. 47); 1943 List of apartments whose residents were evicted during April 1943; partially indecipherable document; (pp. 48-52); 10/1942 Letter addressed to the Commander of the Security Police and the SD for Amsterdam, including a list of valuables; partially decipherable negative copy; (pp. 53-54); Date unknown - Document concerning the Weinreb procedures; (p. 55); 25/06/1943 Letter by the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces addressed to the RSHA in Berlin, regarding the exchange of Jews for German citizens interned in Latin America; (pp. 56-57); 06/09/1943 Note by the RSHA in The Hague addressed to Friedrich Weinreb, regarding the exchange of Jews for German citizens in Brazil; (p. 58); 17/07/194? Letter by Colonel General von Kleist addressed to Friedrich Weinreb, concerning the exchange of Jews for German citizens; partially decipherable negative copy; (p. 59); 24/08/1942 Letter by the RSHA addressed to the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces, regarding the exchange of Jews for German citizens, including Friedrich Weinreb; (p. 60); 25/08/1942 Letter by the RSHA addressed to the Commander of the Security Police and the SD in The Hague, with a request to help Friedrich Weireb to compile a list of Jews from the occupied Netherlands who are intended for exchange; (p. 61); 27/08/1943 Letter by the Reichs Foreign Ministry addressed to the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces, regarding Jews intended for exchange; (p. 62); 20/04/1943 Letter by the Reichs Foreign Ministry addressed to the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces, regarding exchange Jews for Brazil; (p. 63); 02/08/1943 Letter by the RSHA addressed to the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces, regarding exchange Jews for Latin America; (pp. 64); 05/11/1962 List of contents of the collection of evidence concerning the preliminary proceedings by the Public Prosecutor's Office Munich against Gertrud Slottke, former administrator in the RSHA in The Hague, for war crimes, compiled by the Bavarian State Criminal Investigation Office; (pp. 65-66); 28/04/1960 Cover letter by the Central Office of the State Justice Administrations for the Investigation of NS Crimes in Ludwigsburg, addressed to the Public Prosecutor's Office in Munich, concerning the forwarding of documents from the Netherlands regarding criminal investigations against Wilhelm Zoepf; (p. 67); 26/04/1960 Cover letter by the Netherlands State Institute for War Documentation, addressed to the Central Office of the State Justice Administrations for the Investigation of NS Crimes in Ludwigsburg, regarding the forwarding of copies of the so-called "Slottke File", containing files of the RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague under the command of former SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf; (pp. 68-71); 19/03/1942 Note regarding the possible emigration of Jews who work in the diamond industry; (p. 72); 28/09/1942 Note concerning a meeting between representatives of the Foreign Ministry and the RSHA Departments IV B 4 and IV E, regarding the handling (in Westerbork) of interned Jews from enemy states, mainly from the United Kingdom and the United States; (p. 73); 25/01/1943 Note by the RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning the postponement of forced labor deployment for Jews; (p. 74); 25/01/1943 Note for SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf at RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning the deportation of privileged Jews to Theresienstadt; (p. 75); 27/01/1943 Note concerning the expulsion of Jews of Argentinean and Liberian citizenship via Spain and Portugal; (p. 76); 18/02/1943 Note for SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf at RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning the scheduled expulsion of foreign Jews, as follows: 16 Swiss Jews - back to Switzerland (already carried out, 09-13/02/1943), 7 Danish Jews - back to Denmark (planned for 27/02/1943), 17 Hungarian Jews - back to Budapest (planned for 27/02/1943) and 10 Liberians - back to Liberia via Lisbon (planned for 03/1943); (p. 77); 09/03/1943 Note for SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf at RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning the scheduled expulsion of 15 Hungarian Jews, scheduled for 12/03/1943; (p. 78); 06/04/1943 Note for SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf at RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning the internment of Protestant-baptized Jews in Vught camp; (p. 79); 10/04/1943 Note for SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf at RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning the scheduled expulsion of 10 Swedish Jews; the note includes a list of their names; (p. 80); 12/05/1943 Note for SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf at RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning the occupancy of Barneveld concentration camp with Jewish inmates; (pp. 81-83); 29/07/1942 Note for SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf at RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning the rejection of a petition for exemption from the yellow badge for Jews; (p. 84); 21/09/1942 Note for SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf at RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning the rejection of a petition for exemption from labor deployment; according to a note added later, the Jewish petitioner was deported to Auschwitz via Westerbork due to an escape attempt; (p. 85); 15/10/1942 Note for SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf at RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning the postponement of Jews from labor deployment (regarding 22,079 Jews), as well as regarding cases of exemption from the yellow badge for Jews, for various reasons; (pp. 86-88); 03/11/1942 Note for SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf at RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning the postponement of Jews from labor deployment (regarding 30,633 Jews); (p. 89); 03/11/1942 Note for SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf at RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning registrations of Jewish mixed marriages; (p. 90); 02/12/1942 Note for SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf at RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning the postponement of Jews from labor deployment (regarding 32,655 Jews); (p. 91); 24/05/1943 Note for SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf at RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning negotiations with the Portuguese Consul in Rotterdam regarding the possible re-emigration of 362 Jews of Portuguese origin; (the Consul would have shown interest only in Jews of pure Portuguese origin); (p. 92); 27/05/1943 Note for SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf at RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning an anti-Jewish operation in Amsterdam, 26/05/1943, including the search of the Jewish quarter in Amsterdam and the deportation of thus-far "postponed" Jews; (pp. 93-95); Date unknown - Note concerning measures against possible mixed marriages in the future between "half Jews" or "quarter Jews" and "Aryans" or Jewish hybrids; (pp. 96-97); 24/09/1943 Note by the Commander of the Security Police and the SD in The Hague, addressed to Police clerk Slottke, concerning mixed marriages between Jewish hybrids; (p. 98); 08/11/1943 Letter by the German Plenipotentiary at the Reichs Office for Nonferrous Metals, addressed to the Commissioner of the Reichs Ministry for Weapons and Ammunition in the Netherlands, concerning an exempt-status for (i.e. protection of) seven Jewish experts from the legal sector of the metal trade; the letter includes a list of names of the seven Jews; (p. 99); Probably 1943 Letter by the Commissioner of the Reichs Ministry for Weapons and Ammunition in the Netherlands, addressed to the Central Office for Jewish Emigration in Amsterdam, concerning an exempt-status for the seven Jewish experts from the legal sector of the metal trade; (p. 100); 14/01/1944 Note regarding a meeting at the RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning the exempt-status for the seven Jewish experts from the legal sector of the metal trade; the RSHA officials basically reject the idea of exempting the Jewish metal experts concerned, from deportation; a final decision, however, should be postponed until a decision regarding the Jewish experts from the diamond industry is made; (p. 101); 21/01/1944 Telex addressed to SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf at RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning the exempt-status for Jewish experts from the legal sector of the metal trade; (p. 102); 10/02/1944 Note addressed to the Central Office for Jewish Emigration in Amsterdam, concerning three Jewish experts from the legal sector of the metal trade; "...the Jews concerned, and their families, in consideration of the total de-Jewification of the Netherlands, were to be arrested and transferred to Westerbork again...these Jews were designated for further deportation to Theresienstadt..."; (p. 103); 11/04/1944 Note by the RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning the labor deployment of male Jewish spouses from mixed marriages, to be deployed to the aircraft industry or in farming; exemptions were basically not being tolerated; (pp. 105-106); 19/04/1944 Note for SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf at RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague, concerning the labor deployment of male Jewish spouses from mixed marriages; (pp. 107-108); 31/07/1944 Note by the RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague regarding the non-recognition of "favor-passports" issued by various Latin American consulates in Switzerland for Jews in the Netherlands; (p. 109); 29/10/1946 Testimony by a Jewish Dutch survivor, Jacques Johan Mogendorff, regarding the deportation transport from Westerbork to Bergen-Belsen, 09/09/1944; report written in Dutch; (pp. 110-112); Probably postwar Excerpt from a report by Hans Simon Ottenstein concerning Westerbork camp, including regarding Gertrud Slottke, former Secretary of SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf in the RSHA Department IV B 4 in The Hague; issued by the National Institute for War History of the Netherlands; (pp. 113-114); 20/12/1966 Cover letter by the Central Office of the State Justice Administrations for the Investigation of NS Crimes in Ludwigsburg, concerning the forwarding of documents regarding the investigations of war crimes against Wilhelm Harster, Wilhelm Zoepf and Gertrud Slottke; (p. 116); 10/03/1959 List of contents regarding the collection of evidence concerning the preliminary proceedings by the Public Prosecutor's Office in Munich against Wilhelm Zoepf, for war crimes, compiled by the National Institute for War History of the Netherlands; (p. 117); in particular: 31/08/1959 Excerpts from a postwar report regarding Nazi German policy toward Jews, and the so-called "final solution", in general, and the role of former SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Wilhelm Zoepf in the execution of the final solution in the occupied Netherlands, in particular; "... in conclusion, it can be said that from 1942 onwards, Zoepf was the man responsible for the coordination of all anti-Jewish campaigns in the Netherlands, concerning the Security Police..."; (pp. 118-139); Date unknown - List of documents with evidence concerning the criminal proceedings against Wilhelm Zoepf, 1943-1944; (pp. 140-141); 05/08/1960 - 03/10/1960 Correspondence between the Bavarian Office of Criminal Investigation in Munich and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in London, regarding a request for the BBC's archive of war-time radio material concerning the deportation and killing of the Jewish population in Europe, in the context of criminal investigations against Wilhelm Zoepf in Germany; (pp. 142-170); extracts from home news bulletins, between 20/12/1942-07/07/1944 (the English is translated into German); (pp. 151-170); 03/07/1961 Excerpts from the criminal defense of former SS-Gruppenfuehrer Wilhelm Harster, claiming ignorance regarding the mass murder of Jews in the East, including quotations of arguments from previous criminal proceedings against Arthur Seys Inquart, Baldur von Schirach, Hans Frank, Ernst Kaltenbrunner and Hermann Goering; (pp. 171-177); 09/03/1949 Excerpt from interrogation records of former SS-Gruppenfuehrer Wilhelm Harster, from the war criminal trial against Harster in the Netherlands; Harster and his defense lawyer are claiming ignorance regarding the mass murder of Jews in the East; "...according to his knowledge, the deportations of Jews from the Netherlands had reasons for military security..."; (pp. 178-201); Probably 1949 Excerpts from interrogation records of former SS-Gruppenfuehrer Wilhelm Harster, from the war criminal trial against Harster in the Netherlands; (pp. 202-214); 08/11/1943 Excerpt from a letter, (most likely) concerning the postponement of deportation of Jewish workers and their families; (document taken out of its sequence); (p. 215); 08/02/1949 Letter by the Dutch Department for Internal Matters; document in Dutch; (p. 216); 02/03/1943 Letter addressed to the Commissioner General for Security, SS-Gruppenfuehrer Hanns Albin Rauter, concerning the utilization of the former Jewish mental hospital in Apeldoorn following its evacuation; (p. 217); 28/08/1943 Instructions regarding the duties of Jews who were exempt from [wearing] the yellow badge; (pp. 218-219); 02/1943 Draft of an express letter addressed to Adolf Eichmann in the RSHA in Berlin, concerning the request by the Foreign Ministry for the postponement of the deportation of approximately 30,000 Jews with foreign citizenship, due to a possible exchange for German citizens interned abroad; (pp. 220-221); 01/05/1942 Report concerning the mission and occupation of the chief investigator at the Command of the Security Police in The Hague; (partially decipherable negative copy of a document); (pp. 222-235); 18/01/1943 Excerpt from a letter, (most likely) concerning the allocation of Jewish craftsmen for deportation; (document taken out of its sequence); (p. 236); 1960 Excerpt from a document regarding a draft letter addressed to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in London, regarding a request for the BBC's archive of war-time radio material regarding the deportation and killing of the Jewish population in Europe, in the context of criminal investigations against Wilhelm Zoepf in Germany; (p. 237); Date unknown - Brief memos, (most likely) in the context of the postwar criminal investigations against Gertrud Slottke and Wilhelm Zoepf; (pp.238-239); Date unknown - Excerpt from a document, (most likely) from an interrogation protocol of a postwar investigation of Nazi war criminals; (document taken out of its sequence); (p. 240); Date unknown - Excerpt from a document, (most likely) from a record of former SS-Gruppenfuehrer Wilhelm Harster, from the war criminal trial against Harster in the Netherlands; (partially decipherable copy of the document); (p. 241); Total: 487 pp.
item Id
Type of material
Administrative documentation
Deportation list
Investigation reports
Laws and decrees
Legal documentation
List of camp inmates
List of deportees
List of disabled people
List of evacuated persons
List of names
List of persecuted persons
List of sick people
Names of perpetrators
Official documentation
Questions and answers
Radio broadcasts
Record of survivors
File Number
Record Group
O.53 - Ludwigsburg, USSR Collection
Date of Creation - earliest
Date of Creation - latest
No. of pages/frames
Location of Originals
Connected to Item
O.53 - Ludwigsburg Collection: Documentation regarding Nazi war crimes, collected by the West Germany legal system
Yad Vashem Document Collection, Moshal Repository