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Witness questioning report of Jakub Wolman by the Commission for the Investigation of German-Nazi Crimes in Oswiecim (Auschwitz) held on April 13-14, 1945 in Krakow

Witness questioning report of Jakub Wolman born in 1914 Poland by the Commission for the Investigation of German-Nazi Crimes in Oswiecim (Auschwitz) held on April 13-14, 1945 in Krakow Jakub Wolman was studying medicine in Czechoslovakia from 1931; was in a forced labor camp in March 1942; transports of Jews from Czechoslovakia began in March of 1942 and in mid-April he was among large number of workers sent to Auschwitz; arrived on April 29, 1942 and was taken to block 18 (Buna blo...