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Memoirs of Hertha Ligeti-Fuchs, born in Vienna, Austria, 1920, regarding her experiences as a member of the Resistance in Brussels, Belgium, imprisonment and deportation to Auschwitz, Ravensbrueck and Neustadt-Glewe concentration camps, and regarding the fate of the Jewish population of Marosvasarhely, Transylvania, 1938-1945

Memoirs of Hertha Ligeti-Fuchs, born in Vienna, Austria, 1920, regarding her experiences as a member of the Resistance in Brussels, Belgium, imprisonment and deportation to Auschwitz, Ravensbrueck and Neustadt-Glewe concentration camps, and regarding the fate of the Jewish population of Marosvasarhely, Transylvania, 1938-1945 Emigration of Hertha from Vienna, Austria, to Brussels, Belgium, 1938; Activities in the Belgian Resistance and arrest by the secret counter-inte...