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Testomony of Golda Weinreich born in 1924 in Poland, about her experience during the war in Ghetto Srodula, and in hiding places in Szopienice and Giszowice

Testomony of Golda Weinreich born in 1924 in Poland, about her experience during the war in Ghetto Srodula, and in hiding places in Szopienice and Giszowice 1. Golda Weinreich's testimony given to Yad Vashem Institute on August 8, 1984. Golda Weinreich and her mother Rocha Tornheim (Finger), nee Steinfeld, lived in Sosnowiec from 1939 to 1943, when they were interned in ghetto Srodula; describes ghetto life conditions: forced labor in workshops, starvation, selections, typhus....