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Letter of testimony written by Sigi Ziering to his father regarding his experiences in the Riga Ghetto, the Kaiserwald camp, during the transfer to Liepaja (Latvia), Hamburg and Kiel (Germany) and his emigration to Sweden, 1941-1945

Letter of testimony written by Sigi Ziering to his father regarding his experiences in the Riga Ghetto, the Kaiserwald camp, during the transfer to Liepaja (Latvia), Hamburg and Kiel (Germany) and his emigration to Sweden, 1941-1945 - Deportation from Kassel, Germany, to Riga, Latvia, 09-12 December 1941; forced march to the Riga Ghetto; selection for transfer to the Salaspils camp; murder of 29,000 Latvian Jews, 07-09 December 1941; - Arrival of a total of 11,000 Jews ...