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Lodz Ghetto - Interdepartmental in-house correspondence of the Gettoverwaltung, 1942-1943

Lodz Ghetto - Interdepartmental in-house correspondence of the Gettoverwaltung, 1942-1943 - Description of the method used by Rumkowski to locate candidates for deportation (Aussiedlung): Rumkowski seduced the starving Jews with a promise of additional food rations to everyone who agreed to come to the cemetery for additional labor after 17:00 p.m., thus filling the transport quota imposed on him (pp. 123-125); - Announcement by Haemmerle to the G.V. accounts department, 07/08/1942, regarding the supply of bags of cement by the J.A.E. for the Sonderaktion of the SS (page 160); - Personal disagreements between Schwind and Czarnulla - letter by Ribbe to Czarnulla, 21/11/1943; - Supply of inoculation against typhus disease, due to the lack of the inoculation material, 01/01/1943 (page 284); - Population census of the Lodz Ghetto; distribution according to the working population and the non-working population; there are a total of 87,615 men, women and children in the Lodz Ghetto (non-exact data); - Letter sent to Haemmerle by Biebow on 16/01/1943 (page 285); - Tax rate of 2% on the intake [income] cycle (the work wages and sale of finished products produced in the ghetto) - RM.40 for every working Jew, according to the letter sent by Biebow to the financial department on 24/11/1942 (page 324); - Letter sent by Biebow to Koehler, the manager of the lumber department, 11/06/1942 (page 366): 1. Request to remove all of the gravestones in the Jewish cemetery, which were found behind the carpentry workshop. The cemetery area is meant to serve as a lumber storeroom; 2. Decrease in the number of children who are working in the factories; 3. Department managers are forbidden to negotiate directly with J.A. 4 by order of the Gestapo; the publication of regulations is under the sole authority of Biebow or Commissar Fuchs.
item Id
Type of material
Official documentation
Survey report
File Number
Record Group
M.54 - National and Provincial Archives in Poland
Sub-Record Group
M.54.ZIH - המכון היהודי בורשה
Date of Creation - earliest
Location of Originals