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Documentation from the Lodz Ghetto: Monthly reports submitted by the GV (German Administrator of the Ghetto), 1940-1943

Documentation from the Lodz Ghetto: Monthly reports submitted by the GV (German Administrator of the Ghetto), 1940-1943 Procedures for inspection and registration of valuables, jewelry, gold, silver, foreign currency and so on, according to their source and sales destination issued to the KRIPO and the Gestapo: - Memorandum to Oberregierungsrat Dr. Hausler containing a control summary compiled by the GV (German Administrator of the Ghetto) regarding handling the collection, reception and treatment of merchandise, jewelry, textiles and furs, and their sale. It is pointed out that most of the items were handed in voluntarily by the Jews in a run-down condition. The merchandise was sold according to evaluations or by points, dated 21 April 1943; - GV memorandum to Oberburger Meister Ventzki, dated 08 February 1942, including a financial summary for 1942 and a forecast for 1943; - Quarterly report of the Supervisory Department regarding the filling of orders, and production systems; - Report submitted by the Baluter Ring (the site of German ghetto administration headquarters, the offices of the Jewish Central Administration and the Central Employment Registry) to the GV regarding the supply of food items and vegetables, April-June 1941, as well as the condition of the salaried employees as of 31 August 1941; - Discussion that took place 01 April 1940 between representatives of Goering's Four Year Plan, the Treasury Ministry, the Ernahrungsministerium (Food Ministry) and Haupttreuhandstelle Ost (the Main Trustee Office for the East), all unnamed, regarding evacuation of the Lodz Ghetto in opposition to Goering's plan, which objected to the evacuation in light of decisions made in the institutional forum, 23 March 1940; - Criticism from the Rechnungshof (Court of Auditors, a supreme institution with unconditional legal authority to conduct audits of institutional bodies within the area of financial and economic administration) regarding the administrative and economic system of the Ernahrungs U. Wirt Schaftstelle (Nutrition and Economy) and the Alteste der Juden (Jewish Elders) in the Lodz Ghetto.
item Id
Type of material
Official documentation
Survey report
File Number
Record Group
M.54 - National and Provincial Archives in Poland
Sub-Record Group
M.54.ZIH - המכון היהודי בורשה
Archival Signature
Gettoverwaltung w Łodzi, 115
Location of Originals