Historical overview by Bela Mandelsburzanka regarding the history of the Jews in Lublin in the 16th and 17th centuries, published in the "Wiadomosci Krajoznawcze" newspaper in 1928
Historical overview by Bela Mandelsburzanka regarding the history of the Jews in Lublin in the 16th and 17th centuries, published in the "Wiadomosci Krajoznawcze" newspaper in 1928
Historical overview by Bela Mandelsburzanka regarding the history of the Jews in Lublin in the 16th and 17th centuries, published in the "Wiadomosci Krajoznawcze" newspaper in 1928
The overview opens with a description of the flourishing of Jews in Lublin in the 16th century, including Jewish institutions that were active in the city, among them courts, publishing houses, and a famous yeshiva where Szolom Szachna and Mojzesz Isserles studied. The lively commerce contributed to the ...