Correspondence of Jewish organizations in the Zone Nord regarding the establishment of the Comite de Coordination des Oeuvres Israelites de Bienfaisance (Coordinating Committee of Jewish Welfare Societies) in Paris, employment, permits and more, 1941
Correspondence of Jewish organizations in the Zone Nord regarding the establishment of the Comite de Coordination des Oeuvres Israelites de Bienfaisance (Coordinating Committee of Jewish Welfare Societies) in Paris, employment, permits and more, 1941
Correspondence of Jewish organizations in the Zone Nord regarding the establishment of the Comite de Coordination des Oeuvres Israelites de Bienfaisance (Coordinating Committee of Jewish Welfare Societies) in Paris, employment, permits and more, 1941
Correspondence regarding the establishment of the Comite de Coordination in Paris and its organizational structure, employment and permits needed for the continuing operation of Jewish stores and restaurants and efforts to establish ag...