Telegram sent by the Regierungspraesident (district head) in Lodz to Himmler with a complaint that Eichmann reached an agreement to put 5,000 more Gypsies and 20,000 more Jews into the Lodz Ghetto through lies and false claims, 09 October 1941
Telegram sent by the Regierungspraesident (district head) in Lodz to Himmler with a complaint that Eichmann reached an agreement to put 5, 000 more Gypsies and 20, 000 more Jews into the Lodz Ghetto through lies and false claims, 09 October 1941
Telegram sent by the Regierungspraesident (district head) in Lodz to Himmler with a complaint that Eichmann reached an agreement to put 5,000 more Gypsies and 20,000 more Jews into the Lodz Ghetto through lies and false claims, 09 October 1941
Request to cancel the directive and punish those responsible for this deception.