Telegram sent by Rolf Guenther to Helmut Knochen in France regarding two transports to Auschwitz and the possiblility of deportation of Jews in mixed marriages, 25 January 1943
Telegram sent by Rolf Guenther to Helmut Knochen in France regarding two transports to Auschwitz and the possiblility of deportation of Jews in mixed marriages, 25 January 1943
Telegram sent by Rolf Guenther to Helmut Knochen in France regarding two transports to Auschwitz and the possiblility of deportation of Jews in mixed marriages, 25 January 1943
Arrest of these Jews and calling the arrest "protective custody"; their deportation as those in "protective custody" separate from the deportation transports since there is a directive regarding the non-deportation of these Jews.