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Testimony of Amiel Szymon (Simon), given in the Bialystok district court, 12 October 1945, and testimony of a US Army soldier regarding alleged war crimes by the German forces in Lodz, and other testimonies regarding the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and the German occupation of Konin, Poland

Testimony of Amiel Szymon (Simon), given in the Bialystok district court, 12 October 1945, and testimony of a US Army soldier regarding alleged war crimes by the German forces in Lodz, and other testimonies regarding the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and the German occupation of Konin, Poland - Testimony of Amiel Szymon (Simon), the son of Jozef and Sara Szymon, a merchant residing at 31 Sosnowa Street in Bialystok; testimony regarding his experiences as a resident in the Bialystok Ghetto;...