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Memoirs of Meilach Lubocki regarding his experiences in Kaunas, in the Kaunas Ghetto and in the Port Kunda, Stutthof and Magdeburg camps during the Holocaust

Memoirs of Meilach Lubocki regarding his experiences in Kaunas, in the Kaunas Ghetto and in the Port Kunda, Stutthof and Magdeburg camps during the Holocaust - memoirs of Meilach Lubocki, written in Landsberg IDP camp in September 1945. The memoirs were translated from Yiddish to English by his brother Charles Lubocki (formerly Chaim Lubocki): Murder of Jews in Kaunas by the Lithuanians after the outbreak of the war; the German occupation of Kaunas on 24 June 1941; mass murder...