Testimony of Rut Rapaport, born in Copenhagen, Denmark,in 1939, regarding her experiences hiding with Danish resident and her escape to Sweden.
Testimony of Rut Rapaport, born in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1939, regarding her experiences hiding with Danish resident and her escape to Sweden.
Testimony of Rut Rapaport, born in Copenhagen, Denmark,in 1939, regarding her experiences hiding with Danish resident and her escape to Sweden.
Childhood in traditionalist family; father owns dressmaker's salon; German officer's warning about persecutions of Jews; family gets invitation to hide in house of Danish neighbour after she heard about Germans intention towards Jews,1943; making connection with Danish underground; gathering of Jews and their transfer by cars covered with tarpaulin by the Danish underground; contacting a Danish resident,member of Danish underground; escape and hiding in her house; transforming chicken coop into hideout for the family; escape to Stocksund and later to Landror; end of war; return to Copenhagen; getting apartment from Danish government; studies; continuation of life in Copenhagen; aliya to Israel,1978.
Hierarchical Tree
item Id
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Copenhagen, Denmark
Type of material
Record Group
O.3 - Testimonies Department of the Yad Vashem Archives